Charles Payne: Biden Likes to Promote Himself as the Man of the People, But He Doesn’t Care How the People Feel

1 year ago

LEVIN: “And I just want to say this, and then I went to go to you. I think part of the problem with the Biden is, he lives like a veal calf. He lives like a veal calf, you know? He is not out and about. His incapacity does not allow him. He’ll go get ice cream now and then, but he doesn’t go to a diner, he doesn’t go to a grocery store. He’s not out with the people and he does not understand what’s going on or he doesn’t care. What do you think?”
PAYNE: “No, you’re right. You’re 100% right. And by the way, it’s been that way for a long time. He likes to sort of promote himself as someone who takes an Amtrak train and he’s down with the folks in Scranton. He has no idea what the folks in Scranton are going through, None whatsoever. But, Mark, I think it’s more important he doesn’t care, and I am being very honest about this. The administration and the Democratic Party, particularly the progressive part of it, they have an agenda. And here is the thing. As a politician, you have to be able to sell things based on the economy, based on other things. Their agenda has nothing to do with the economy. It has nothing to do with science. It is a belief, with this whole climate scam thing in my opinion. You put the veneer of it on there. So all of the decisions they are making, the economic outcome to the average person’s lives, they do not care about. And we have seen that. We saw that with them triggering 40-year-high inflation. Also, there is a tiered system, a de facto caste system they are promoting and pushing really hard. Think of all the major, significant benefits that have come from this administration. Paying rich people money, giving them money to buy electric vehicles. Paying off college loans — you are going to pay off the loans of someone with a PhD in America. They have taken the child tax credit that was designed for people who were working hard, but they still did not have enough money to pay the babysitter, and now they give it to these incomes of $300,000. So they have hijacked things that may have had a really good use or potentially a good use and they have given it to the elites. All of this has put a lot of money into the economy, money that is artificial but it has had a major, deleterious impact. And you hit on it. The hit to the average life of the average American is so tough. And let me just say one more thing. You also alluded to this and it frustrates the heck out of me. I interview the best or most well-known economists on Wall Street, and I get so frustrated when they say the American household, the average consumer is strong right now. They are not. I want to scream. They take aggregated data. That means they take the lowest incomes in this country and the highest incomes in this country and they put them all in the same pot. The problem, though, is, let’s take those stimulus checks. You send out $2 trillion, instantaneously, 40% of the folks spend that. So it’s going from this part of the bucket to the middle part of the bucket. That’s 40% of the people, they are done, they are out, they do not have that extra cash. Later goes it goes from the middle part of the bucket to the other part of the bucket and eventually it ends up with the top 1%. Now yes, you can argue that the bucket is strong, it’s the same weight, all that cash is in there, but to assume or to articulate that the average household is strong is wrong. And not only is it insulting, they base policy on this kind of stuff.”

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