Ramaswamy on the WEF: What They Want Is Old World Europe, a Revival of Old-World Monarchy

9 months ago

 KUDLOW: “Let me shift a little bit, not a lot but a little bit, after the resounding victory Donald Trump had in Iowa, people in davo’s at the World Economic Forum, they are not your best friends. They are all kind of dirtying at the thought that Donald Trump may be reelected president which I love actually but I got to read the latest one that has just come out, you have a smile on your face, they are demanding, you are going to love this, they are demanding that recurrent international criminal court prosecution of, wait for it, something called eco-cide. This is coming out of Davos. I don’t know what they think they are talking about. Donald Trump will never buy into that. What is this crowd want? Everything they want, global warming, John Kerry, it is freezing out in Iowa, nobody seems to understand that, big government solutions, big corporate solutions, not small government, small business, entrepreneurial solutions. If you stay with Trump and going to his government, special emissary to go to Davos and quiet the crowd down. I won’t say blow them up. Quiet them down and give them a facelift.”

Ramaswamy: “We are not going to cry it down, we will shut them down. What is motivating them, here’s the answer, just like everything, CDC, that’s a 3 letter multilateral institution, my answer is shut them down. What they want is old world Europe, you ask what they want, it is a revival of old world monarchy of that was skeptical of self-governance. That is what king George believed, were the kings of Europe believed and we fought a revolution in 1776 to say for better or worse we the people, citizens of this nation engage in self-governance. We are the ones who decide how we fight climate change, or racism or whatever the challenge is, we the people make those decisions at the ballot box, not mountaintops of davo’s. this is an ugly monster of the old world rearing is head, Larry Fink and the others who speak. They say no to that vision. That are what it means to be an American. We will stop at nothing. Stop at nothing legally and otherwise. And we have true sovereignty.”

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