Article 4591 Video - My Reply to

9 months ago

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Article 4591 Video - My Reply to "The Ultimate Delusion" Part 5 - Sunday, January 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Ever since I read this particular publication -- now years ago, it has irritated me, because I know how much disinformation and partial misleading information and how many omissions this Patriot Screed contains and how many people reading it will be in despair and confused.

So tonight, it has finally come to pass, me and Stephen Ames go to the mattresses, blade on blade, steel on stone.

It took seven hours to add my comments shown in blue and in a serif type font.

Please help get this out to the people who need to read it and understand --- finally--- what's going on and why.

My Reply to “The Ultimate Delusion”

By: Stephen Ames

Annotated by Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

This is an Old Chestnut that has been drifting around the internet and in the Patriot Community for years and it is, essentially, a British Fantasy Retelling of History, in which the British win everything from Day One and we, Americans, are just ignorant rubes and slaves created to grease the wheels of British Empire, blah, blah, blah. I have seen it before. I will probably see it again. Starting my commentary at the beginning from the end, please note that this author warns, at the very end, that we are in this mess because we believe fiction.

No doubt he was having himself a nice snide ironic laugh, knowing that his own screed under examination here is fiction, which he is maliciously trying to pass off as “truth and revelation”. Be forewarned. It’s possible that this article was written by an American making dumb assumptions, but its more likely written by a British sympathizer trying to demoralize and spin-doctor things the way he wants them to be, instead of the way they are.

Or, maybe, he is just trying to needle enough people, poke them painfully enough, so that they get off the couch and start ranting and stomping? I don’t know.

Okay, so, here we go. Read his stuff and then read my stuff appearing in a slightly larger serif style type font: Some copies may show my annotations in blue.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

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