The DEATH Card of the Tarot - Tarot Tuesday - Advanced Studies

The DEATH Card of the Tarot - Tarot Tuesday - Advanced Studies

1 year ago

Greetings Alchemists!

The day we held this class, I had it open to ALL Patrons of The Modern Alchemist Channel. After reviewing the class I'm glad that I did; this class is a good one - loaded with valuable information. It's not perfect (by my hopelessly critical standards) but its good, and I think what's shared herein will provide some very useful insights relative to the nature of Death, it's critical function within the domain of creation, and its haunting Avatar with its many unusual symbols and tools. Even the very nature and substance of Light is discussed in this class!

I hope you enjoy our discussion of the Death card of the Tarot.

If you wish to learn more about Alchemy, Qabalah, and the Tarot, you can join our community of Alchemists at The Modern Alchemist Channel on Patreon ( where I've been teaching Alchemy, Qabalah, and the Tarot since 2018. Lliterally years of videos and articles - neatly organized into Collections - are waiting for your exploration!

With that said, let's begin! ^_^

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