International Public Notice -- The Three Crowns Final Summation By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article 4582 Video - International Public Notice -- The Three Crowns Final Summation - Monday, January 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

To the Living and the Dead to Whom These Presents Come:

In 1302, Pope Boniface VIII created the first Express Trust, known as the Unam Sanctam Trust, by simply declaring it --- in translation to modern English, he concluded:

“Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”

Please note, he does not say, "subject to the Pope of Rome" or "Bishop of Rome", he refers to the pagan secular office instead, the "Roman Pontiff".

"Pontiff" in Latin means "Bridge" and the "Roman Bridge" being specified was the bridge between the sacred and the temporal -- the Office in charge of money and material assets on one side of the "bridge" and credit derived from actual money and material assets on the other side of the bridge.

Modern banks still use this terminology.

Please also note that he uses the terminology "human creature".

As we have seen, "human" refers to a "color of man" or "person" not an actual living man. If Boniface VIII had meant "man", he would have said, "man" and would not have used the word "human", nor would he have used the word "creature".

The earliest reference that the Oxford English Dictionary has for the word "creature" is as a borrowing from French circa 1300, precisely the time period that Boniface VIII used it.

"Creature" first appears in Middle English in the poem we refer to as "The Old English Soul and Body" which still exists in multiple copies.

Again, the implications are clear--- a "creature" circa 1300, is not a man. A "creature" is an imagining, a "creation" of man -- what we would call a Legal Fiction today.

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