John Stossel Separates The Makers From The Takers And Wrecks Sen. Elizabeth Warren In The Process

1 year ago

Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren likes to pretend to be a champion for the working class while taking on the "rich and powerful": “The rich and powerful have rigged the rules of our economy to make themselves richer and more powerful. I’m in this fight to level the playing field and make our government work for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected.” -- Coming from somebody rich and powerful who has rigged the rules in her favor in the past, that's some kind of projection. But in any case, one frequent target of Warren's ire is Elon Musk. John Stossel has released a terrific takedown of politicians like Warren (and Bernie Sanders, etc.). It's the "takers" vs. the "makers."

• More at: Twitchy - John Stossel Separates the Makers From the Takers and WRECKS Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the Process

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