There’s a Christmas Tree Mafia in NYC? Plus Christmas Mandela Effects & More

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Does a Christmas Tree Mafia have a hold on New York City? You’ve heard of The Godfather, Made Men, Al "Scarface" Capone, and Don Carlo. But have you ever heard of the “Tree Men”? New York City is one of the most festive cities in America for the holidays, and New Yorkers love their tradition of buying local vendor Christmas trees. Most people believe that they’re supporting small, mom-and-pop businesses. However, the Christmas tree industry business in New York City is so cutthroat that it’s allegedly filled with bribes, extortion, threats, and even murder. In this Friday Night Live episode, hear how the mafia took over the selling of Christmas trees.

On the topic of Christmas, how did setting up Christmas trees in our homes become a tradition in the first place? The reason why will shock you. Also in this episode, tune in for some special Christmas Mandela Effects in our popular “Bendela Effect” segment. Think you’ve heard of the one giant change in the poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas? Well, Ben found at least 3 and maybe even 4 more. Find out in this Friday Night Live what they are, and be prepared to be as shocked as a child who discovered Santa Claus in their living room. In the Metaphysical Minute segment, discover what Tucker Carlson said about aliens and “spiritual forces.” Join Ben and Rob from Edge of Wonder as they reveal all of this and so much more. Don't miss the Rise.TV-exclusive segments, the Top 10 Weirder News of the Week and the “Dig Deep” Live Q&A. See you out … on the edge!

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