MZTV 1371: The Preexistence of Christ is Settled by Scripture, Not Philosophy

1 year ago

Here is a really instructive discourse between a believer named Dennis and myself, on the topic of philosophy. Or should I say, I confront a believer named Dennis who looks at the case of the preexistence or non-preexistence of Christ through the lens of philosophy.

Dennis claims to not know much about philosophy (I have no reason to doubt him) but he philosophizes nonetheless. It's unconscious. Why has he resorted to this? Because he never wants to be dogmatic about anything. What's wrong with being dogmatic? He was dogmatic in his past, when he was in organized religion and believed all the lies. But now that he believes the truth, he has thrown out the baby right along with the poor kid's bathwater. So now he feels as though it's arrogant to actually be certain (dogmatic) about anything, and thus considers your's truly to be one of the great champions of arrogance. But he softens this blow (much appreciated) by saying of me: "Humility is not your strong suit."

One of the greatest enemies of truth is philosophy. Philosophy is where humans talk and talk and talk but never say anything. Philosophy is an endless stream of human suppositions concerning the big questions of life such as 1) why are we here, 2) where are we going, and 3) what is life? Another name for it is "bullshit."

May I say this again? Philosophy is the enemy of truth. There is nothing good about it. Nothing. Our apostle warns against it in Colossians 2:8, calling it "empty seduction." Philosophy is seductive because it sounds smart and the people who are philosophical think they are smart, but they really aren't. Those engaging in it usually smoke pipes (including the women), wear tweed jackets, and never fail to wear leather loafers with multi-colored socks. Most philosophers have beards, even the women.

What does philosophy have to do with the matter of the preexistence of Christ? That's what I want to know!


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