1 year ago

Isn't that nice? The thief with his hand in your pocket is saying he will steal less from you? We don't have toll roads in South Australia, and that is a very good thing indeed. Toll roads are a double theft, they charge you with the toll, but you have already paid for the road with taxes. You pay with your licence and car registration, you pay with the fuel excise, and you pay with the G.S.T. on the fuel. You pay and pay and pay, but they don't spend the money they collect on roads which is why they have to introduce tolls. Another thing most people seem to have forgotten was that for all these toll roads it was promised you would not have to use them. The deal was you could choose to take longer slower routes if you did not want to use the toll roads. Within days of completion of the toll roads and tunnels the government was constructing barricades to prevent people turning off to the old routes. Thieves and liars.

What sort of reverse world is this where people who want to go back to producing product the public wants to purchase so as to make a profit are the ones called activists? If Peltz does manage to take control, and reverse course, I'm not sure that it may not be too late for Disney. Does anyone want to see Star Wars now that all the characters have been killed off and replaced by females? Does anyone want to see Marvel or D.C. now that all the characters have been killed off and replaced by females? Even with the cartoons do you think parents want to risk taking their kids back after having to endure all the trannies and deviants shoehorned into what used to wholesome family entertainment? Peltz can't turn back the clock, and I have seen nothing from today's writers to suggest the skill necessary to write scripts capable of digging themselves out of the woke hole they have dug for themselves. Possibly if they develop new intellectual property and put the Disney name on it Peltz could turn the company around, but how long would it be before they were back to making profit?

Of course the police are not investigating. They don't want to touch this with a barge-pole. You have two groups of gays having a spat. If they investigate whoever they find to have done wrong will be gay. So the police will be forced to prosecute a gay for gay related activity. From the police's point of view that would be a nightmare. They have spent years dressing up in rainbow faggotry every pride month, and now they may have to investigate a gay issue and prosecute a gay.

Given the exchange rate Australia is spending roughly half what the U.K. has spent so as to release rapists, murderers, and paedophiles into the community with no hope of getting them out of the country. At least the U.K. government is trying to get the invaders out, our government not only won't try nobody has the balls to suggest throwing them out.

It is difficult to discount the opinion of someone who has been living in Rwanda for years. We should send our invaders to Rwanda.

You turned a bunch of violent criminals loose in the community and you want us to believe that was a great achievement? Fuck off!

So you made some sort of plan for more than a decade of payments for health. Do you really think we are so stupid that we aren't going to know that even if your plan is 100% correct today over the course of a decade conditions are certain to change requiring modifying those plans?

Your new nature and water policies will reduce food production won't they? We all know that. Why don't you say how proud you are of reducing food production?

But you are responsible for them reaching unsustainable levels. This is like an arsonist setting your house on fire and demanding an award when he put half the fire out. You won't even allow us a temporary halt on immigration until housing is under control.

Why? Why is it once in a generation? Why aren't you constantly trying to reduce the number of people entering Australia?

Oh shut up you W.E.F. Muppet. The climate cult is based on lies. The reason why there has been an increase in temperature is because it is now Summer, and they changed the way they measure temperature from ambient to surface. This cunt let the deadline to object to W.H.O. tyranny lapse and now he is setting up the propaganda for the W.H.O. to take control on the false pretext of a climate emergency. Bring back the noose for traitors to Australia.

I can't be bothered listening to more of the lies and bullshit from this shit weasel. Later he goes on to say that he will be opening a University in India. Our taxes dollars are to be spent building a University in India. I haven't heard anyone else comment on such a shit for brains idea. India isn't a backward 3rd world country anymore, they have nuclear weapons and their own space industry, they also have their own god damn universities. Apart from the issue of wasting our taxes on foreigners anyone who has been following current affairs knows that India will likely soon become a competitor on the world stage. If BRICS develops as planned over the next few years India will be one of the main players in a multi-polar world. Use Australian taxes to build universities for Australians.

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