Reasons To Be Cheerful About Climate Change.

1 year ago

Reasons To Be Cheerful About Climate Change.

COP28 is now drawing to an end, and what have we discovered...

Dubai has a massive carbon footprint, and the UAE plan to make that even bigger by 2030 via a massive increase in oil production, and declarations that 'climate science' is false, which of course is true.

Dubai are hosting COP28 lol

Since then there has been a relative silence on this climate change summit, but the BBC still has had time to tell us there are 5 reasons to be cheerful about climate change.

1. Solar energy everywhere.
2. Electric vehicles as an energy saving and transmission device, but not as a car.
3. Battery farms everywhere.
4. Court cases suing climate change funders - Big Oil.
5. History - as long as it isn't further back than 30 years.

All bollocks.

But on the bright side, Alex Jones could soon be back on Twitter (now known to some as X).

We Are The News - Willing to sacrifice reputation, ego, and our lives to tell the truth.

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