All Roads Lead To China - with David English

7 months ago

All Roads Lead To China - with David English

The recent Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin has sent Western mainstream media, the laptop class, and political elite into a frenzy, truths were outed to a mass audience.

Cue familiar denials, obscuration, the typical common place slurs at those that dare to crack prevailing narratives surrounding Russia, Ukraine conflict, and conflict. But also the accusations of controlled opposition, subterfuge and deceit.

Is Carlson knowingly, or unknowingly, doing the work of intelligence agencies and the War Machine?

Is their an intention to pry Russia away from China, whose combined strength would be unsurpassable by the USA and her allies?

China, on the other-hand, has eyes on land north of its border, just as much as it has eyes to Taiwan in the south. The CCP, a communist Beast from the East will preside over the worlds largest economy in 2030 according to the IMF, even if militarily, still third fiddle to both USA and Russia.

In the middle of all this is Europe and the UK, led by equally corrupt know-nothings, the lowest common denominator types, all running for the hills as excess deaths, vaccine injuries, and widespread farmer's protests hit finally the headlines, even the MSM is unable to provide effective cover.

and remember... COVID came from China we are told, the data for the mRNA vaccines, came from China we were told again.

Maybe China are the one pulling the strings?

Regardless of all this, ever since Donald Trump came into power in 2016, the trajectory has been clear, All Roads Lead To China.

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