National Security Alert: Labor's Risky Moves Could be Putting Aussies in Danger

1 year ago

The Albanese Labor government is placing the safety of Australians and the security of our nation at risk by giving temporary protection visas to more than 860 Palestinians.

For almost 20 years, Palestinians in Gaza have supported Hamas and their terrorist regime.

Polling of Palestinians in recent years has shown that up to 70 percent of them are supportive of Hamas, a prescribed terrorist group.

And this Labor government wants to bring more than 860 of these people here, no doubt to swell the ranks of those on Australian streets calling for the gassing of Jews.

We have absolutely no assurance or guarantee these people aren’t heavily radicalised, or that they’re not members of active terrorist cells.
Why is Labor bringing them here to sow more anti-Semitism, when they could find ‘refuge’ in Muslim countries where their alien culture is more accepted.

Why must they be allowed to come to our country where we have values – freedom of religion and speech, secular democracy and the rule of law – that are incompatible with theirs?

Our housing crisis hasn’t ended, by the way.

It’s worse than ever.

Labor’s housing policy is completely worthless and their 30,000 homes will make no dent in the current shortfall of at least 650,000 homes.

Yet Labor still insists on not only flooding our borders with hundreds of thousands of people every year, but is now giving temporary protection visas to another 2000-plus people from the Middle East conflict zone.

This is completely against the national interest, just like this appalling Labor government.

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