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111. Chewing the Fat With Charlie Todd
Today I talk with Charlie Todd. He is the inventor of THE TOTAL RESISTANCE ( We talked about his tragic injury that took him away from professional sports and let him to develop the Total Resistance. We also talk about God and Biblical eating.
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111. Chewing the fat with Charlie Todd
Charlie Todd: [00:00:00] This one's for my saved folks. Instead of praying that God nourishes your body for the food that you're about to eat. Candy yams, fried chicken, collard greens, mac and cheese, pizza, chicken smothered in gravy. How about you eat food that actually does nourish your body? The Bible says the tree of life consists of 12 fruits, not 12 snacks.
Charlie Todd: It said you took us to a land flowing with milk and honey, not milkshakes and syrup. The Bible also compares gluttony to being an alcoholic. Keep in mind, gluttony does not mean overweight. It means habitual greed. Skinny people do that too. This is why I follow the meat and fruit diet because it actually does nourish your body.
Charlie Todd: It's hard to overeat and very easy to follow. And I can still enjoy a cheat day or two without letting food consume my life. So the next time you sit down and pray over your food remember that God can perform miracles but Faithful. Works is dead.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Doesn't dinner sound great as it's cooking? This dinner is from Riverbend Ranch, which always provides prime or high choice, has never been given hormones, never been given antibiotics, never been [00:01:00] given mRNA vaccines. It's raised in the USA. It's processed in the USA. In fact, it's fully vertically integrated, which means that they own the cow, that gives birth to the calf, that's raised on their fields, and then taken to their butcher, and then shipped to you.
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Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigaloff.
Nurse Kelly: On this podcast, you will be encouraged to question
Nurse Kelly: everything.
Nurse Kelly: And to have
Nurse Kelly: the courage to stand
Nurse Kelly: for the truth.
Nurse Kelly: And now, to your host, Dr. Sigoloff
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: alright, I first want to thank all my Patreon supporters. We have a family giving 20. 20 each. a month. We have the Plandemic Reprimando tier at 17. 76 a month with Ty, Charles, Tinfoil, Stanley, Dr. Anna, Frank, Brian, Shell, and Brantley. We have the Self Made 10 level with Kevin and Patton Bev.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We have the Refined Not Burned level at 5 with Linda, Emmy, Joe, PJ, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Jennifer, Ken, Rick, [00:03:00] Mary. We have a 3 level with Addison Mulder. We have a 1. 50 a month with Frank. And then we have the Courage is Contagious tier at 1 a month with Amanda, Jay, SpessNasty, Darrell, Susan, BB King, and Caleb.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I also want to remind everybody, if you're interested in getting some of the best beef I've ever tasted by far, uh, go to MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours. That's MyCleanBeef. com slash After Hours. So we have a special guest today. Um, his name is Charlie Todd and I saw his video and, and you'll have just seen it play just before this starts and.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: He's got an interesting perspective. I think you're the only other Christian man that I've run into that has a similar perspective on the Bible and food and diet as I do. Give us a little background on yourself, what you do and why that's relevant to, to your profession.
Charlie Todd: Okay. But I appreciate you for having me on one.
Charlie Todd: Um, but my background, we'll go, I guess, a little bit back. I used to play football, play collegiate level [00:04:00] football, um, end up getting hurt. I can about, so I can go into detail on that too. And I'm getting hurt. I got hit by a car and, um. From there, from the accident that happened, I was trying to recover and get back into playing football.
Charlie Todd: And, um, from there, ended up coming up and creating something called the Total Resistance. It's a one size fits all harness that allows you to add resistance to your workouts. We're doing the online training with that for a while. And then, um, linked with my brother. Um, we've been, we've been in business with it.
Charlie Todd: Um, from the start of since the injury and went from there and just went straight to like, yo man, Let's just open the gym and then go from there and then all the training and all the things that I was doing To lead up to that like just made it make sense. So we um opened up a gym now We're um, just opened up our second location.
Charlie Todd: I'm here in delaware
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And you're taking clients right now, is that right?
Charlie Todd: Yeah, that's about, yeah. Oh yeah, for sure, for sure. It's online and in house. So it's more of a like, so, um, [00:05:00] I've gotten out of the one on one training, because I don't think it's really necessary. It's not necessarily needed. It's not a bad thing at all by any means, but we've found a way to make it so, um, Kind of similar to crossfit do what we do within a group setting Um, and our our coaches are like lifeguards when it's all said and done But we kind of make sure monitor from you a distance from a distance And if you need a little more assistance and then we're there right there for you Obviously, we want you to grow the purpose of um of working out and getting healthy Like you don't want to have to rely on someone forever.
Charlie Todd: It's kind of like church think about church you go to church Um, and you go to listen to the pastor, but that shouldn't be the only Consumption of the word for the week before you should be reading on your own. So it's kind of similar, like similar to that. So, um, that's kind of our approach when it comes down to, um, to working out and getting shape and work and getting fit.
Charlie Todd: So we kind of, it's, it's been working. People get results, long story short. Oh yeah.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Awesome. Um, well tell me about your, your [00:06:00] hit by a car. Was this a, yeah, cause I've noticed these kind of major injuries in someone's life can, can change the direction for them for the better. Remember that all things used for the good of those who love.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And I have a similar story where I was, I was hitting the rope, hitting the face with a rope, broke my jaw, put me in ICU for weeks, or for, for almost a week, um, wired shut for weeks. And that's what made me want to go into medicine. Um, so. Tell me about your, your car wreck.
Charlie Todd: So it's, I, I call it a funny story now, but it wasn't funny at the time, but, but, um, so you gotta think, um, to kind of build it up in high school, I was like, uh, I would just, I wouldn't say a troubling kid at all, but, but, but I was like, uh, I just didn't take school serious, like similar to a lot of kids.
Charlie Todd: And, um, I made my path to getting to division one football very hard for simply not doing my schoolwork. Um, but I ended up going to a junior college. [00:07:00] Right at the high school, did what I had to do there and like, um, just kind of like sucked it up and did everything I had to do. Got my film, pushed my film to coaches all over the world.
Charlie Todd: I've literally got the email still to this day. It's funny, but the grammar bed, everything, but, uh, but, uh, um, I did exactly what I had to do to get the recruits to come see me and find me and then. Once I got to my four year school was it was like it's on like I got to a division one school I was faster stronger bigger had potential to go to NFL at the least.
Charlie Todd: I would got a trial at the least So after my pro day my pro day, so we kind of break it down I know a lot of people think like with college football every Scout looks at every school. That's not the case. So If you're talking about Alabama, uh, uh, Clemson, like schools like that, yeah, every coach is going to be there, but for Ball State, which is in Indiana, Muncie, Indiana, shout out Ball State, but, um, we don't get that, like, we [00:08:00] get a handful of coaches, maybe 15 coaches, um, and they can be coaching any position, so they're not just specific to your position, so to kind of set the tone for that, so after my pro, like, during my pro day, I was one of a bunch of kids.
Charlie Todd: So there was a guy named, um, Rob Evans. He passed away. Um, rest his soul, but he, um, brought a lot of the recruits there. So to kind of sum it up, he played defensive in, they had him by the end of the, the the pro day playing defensive back, like doing defensive back drills because they wanted to see me work because how well I was doing my 40 time was fast.
Charlie Todd: My bench press was like that. I've always been strong. So like that was good. My shuttle was good. My three cone drill was good. Everything was great. Like it just everything panned out perfectly. Um, the way I wanted to go. So fast forward, I never get to go home. I'm in Indiana, live in Delaware, a completely different coast.
Charlie Todd: So finally got to go home, go [00:09:00] play, uh, hang out with my brother, who's also my business partner, um, with the gym. And he was like, yo man, let's just go out. Granted, keep in mind, my mom is... A strong praying woman and, and, and kept us in church all our lives. Like, so usually she was accurate when she said, don't do something like it was, it was usually spot on.
Charlie Todd: And I got another example, but I'll, to get to the story about keep it, I'll stay within the story. So my mom goes, don't go out. Stay home. I'm like, Mom, I ain't been home. And who knows how long I'm going out. I'm having fun. So, uh, she was like, um, she was like, she kept saying it, kept leading up. Like, do not go out, do not go out, do not go out praying.
Charlie Todd: Do not go out telling me not to go out. I'm like, mom, I think that deep. So, um, me and my brother decided to go, we ended up going to a bar in Philly, have a few drinks, um, with. Leaving at the night to go grab some cheese sticks and um, I'm on the side of the road. I'll never forget it. I'm on the side of the road walking [00:10:00] in Philly in like a bike lane and my brother yells out, Yo, Charlie, get out the street, get out the street.
Charlie Todd: And I'm, I'll get down in the defensive back position, man. I said, man, I'm going to the league and right at boom, hit by a car, flipped in the air, landing on the ground. I'm hit the side of my head. Um, and, and just was out, knocked out cold. My brother, my brother goes, um, like, yo man, get up, get up. Like trying to wake me up and I'm, I'm out.
Charlie Todd: And then, um, finally I woke up and I tried to get up. My leg is, is shot like pain, pain. Like if it wasn't for me, I'm not encouraging drinking by any means, but if it wasn't for me having alcohol in my system, I probably would have just been like, that was like medicine. It felt like medicine. I was sobered up at that time because of the.
Charlie Todd: How much that alcohol was going straight to my leg. Then, um, I passed out again on the floor, woke up again on the, um, ambulance. Um, then they took me to the hospital, passed out again in the, uh, in the [00:11:00] ambulance, woke up in the hospital and then realized like, yeah, it's over. But, um, to go more into detail, which obviously I looked at that as just a setback, another setback, that was just my mindset, like.
Charlie Todd: Alright, hurt is what it is. I get back not knowing how bad the injury actually was. That's just my mindset. I'm like, yeah, I've made it this far. I'm keep on going. So the doctor goes in as he had to take 6 to 9 weeks to repair. I'm okay. That's nothing. Um, get home trying to recover. Keep in mind. I get this time.
Charlie Todd: I got a metal rod in my leg. Walk on it. Hold 9 yards and the um, Something happened and I ended up getting like another infection, which it was excruciating pain like that. My leg just started swelling like just unexplainable pain like it just it just was real real bad and I was like, all right All right.
Charlie Todd: I need to go to the hospital went to the hospital rush arm surgery And got the [00:12:00] infection taken care of and the doctor goes, comes in a new doctor comes and says, I don't know where this 6 to 9 weeks came in. It's going to be more like 9 to 12 months of recovery. So I'll break down like at this point.
Charlie Todd: Keep in mind. It's a lockout year. This is like 2011. This is lockout year for football. So I'm trying to still stay positive thinking like, okay, maybe I still got time. I'll make that time, but obviously it kept kept positive. And I'm like I said, probably the time that I got started getting closer and closer to God, but that's neither.
Charlie Todd: Um, I'll get to that too as well. But, um, fast forward ended up, um, trying to get back when I finally was clear to work out, got to the gym, started working out. I couldn't do anything like I went to go put. 135 on the bar, which is keep in mind. It's not light. But for me, some of those college athletes, some of them working out since I was in eighth grade, I've been working out since then.
Charlie Todd: So I should be able to do that. And I'm looking over my shoulder. I'm looking all over the place. Like, man, people like people see me. [00:13:00] No one's worried about me. But there's a mama in my mind. I'm like, man, this is this is this is crazy. So ended up using resistance bands the way we use them at Ball State.
Charlie Todd: We were strapping across our body. The big long break. Green resistance bands will strap them across the body and do speed squats. So keep in mind, granted, I tried to do sleds. I tried to do this. You name it. I tried it like, but resistance bands somehow worked for me. So I ended up putting that on felt better.
Charlie Todd: So I tried to run at it. It popped up and slammed into me. So I was like, all right, this isn't gonna work. Let me look online for something. That, um, let me look online for something that will work and suit my needs to hurry up and get my speed back. Because, granted, I play defensive back. I'm running against the fastest person on the field at all times, if I'm not the fastest.
Charlie Todd: So, from there, I went home and literally searched online like crazy to try to find a resistance band trainer that I could run [00:14:00] in. So, couldn't find it. I'm laying down on the bed. I'll never forget this. I'm laying down watching SpongeBob in the room. And then I forget it and I, um, all of a sudden hear a voice say, get up, draw it, like create it, draw it.
Charlie Todd: Hopped up out of the bed, ran out of the bed, grabbed a pen and paper, started drawing what I was envisioning. Ended up coming up with it, put a whole pitch together, sent it to my brother, I was like, yo man, let's do it. And he was like, all right, because I knew he was saving up money for, to get into real estate.
Charlie Todd: So I was like, we're going to use that for something else. And then from there, it was, um. From there, it was like, uh, forget football, let's focus on this. And it's been, yeah, been rolling since. It hasn't been perfect, but we've been, we've been on the roll since. Wow.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And yeah, so if you hadn't had this, this bad thing happen to you, you would probably not have thought of this.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You would, wouldn't have seen the need for it.
Charlie Todd: Not, not one bit, not one bit at all. And it's funny, I always talk about to, [00:15:00] to, um, a lot of the guys that work and they always say, man, you don't regret like not making it to football. You don't, you don't, you don't, you don't regret not going no further. Not at all.
Charlie Todd: Cause this could be way better. The NFL, they say the NFL stands for not for long. So yeah. You know, this is something that can last anything, anything, and I'm done. And then, and then on top of that, the spiritual side too. So, and, and this kind of goes back to what I kind of started. I didn't want to derail the story by getting sidetracked, but my vision.
Charlie Todd: In my life for the, the, the things that I had planned for myself, the stuff that I wanted to happen for me was NFL family, maybe a couple of businesses and, and who knows, and then my wife at the time I met her in college, if I didn't meet her in college, I probably, I probably still wouldn't be married and if I, if I didn't.
Charlie Todd: If I made it to the NFL, I probably would have prolonged marrying her. I probably had kids out of wedlock. I probably would have did a lot of things [00:16:00] that I shouldn't have did. And I probably also, and granted, keep in mind, I'm raised by a two parent household. They they raised me and my brothers like, so, but at the same time.
Charlie Todd: Now you understand why they say don't value money so much, especially in the Bible is a subscription to back up. Like what ends up being your God, but you don't look at it from that perspective. And I'm going in my mind, I'm saying to myself, I'm a party. We get it all out of my system. When I turned 30, then I'll, I'll, I'll turn to God, you know, I'll turn to Christ.
Charlie Todd: Fortunately. And I can look, you can look at it two different ways. If I get, if I get that NFL, maybe I do, maybe I do find, find, find Jesus the way I should. Keep my, like I said, I was born and raised in a church. Born and raised in a church, still with this in my mind of doing this. But if this didn't happen, there's no way.
Charlie Todd: There's absolutely no way. I would, I would have been, I'd have been partying. I'd have been doing stupid stuff. Probably would have lost a good thing for my wife. Who knows what I did, you know, but fortunately God, like God took control.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Unfortunately, like people will come to [00:17:00] Jesus after they hit rock bottom, but sometimes that rock bottom is after you're dead.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Or, you know, after everything's been destroyed and you can't bring it back.
Charlie Todd: Yes. And I think about that very moment when I got hit by a car. This was, this wasn't like a, maybe I'll do this. This is what I had planned on doing. So that, that moment right there was a second chance. Like I could have literally got hit and been done and had to face judgment.
Charlie Todd: Like it could have been literally just like that. But fortunately that wasn't the case. And like I said, and then on top of that, like we always try So I'm not a big fan of the, the word manifest. We always try to manifest what we want, rather than praying and telling God, just take over, man. And, and yeah, and fortunately that was the case.
Charlie Todd: I was able to, to, um, come across some things in my life to make that happen. So
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: for all the great things that we think we've, you know, we're going to manifest in our lives, if you will, um, if we just sit back and let God use who [00:18:00] we are and put us in the right spot, it'll be so much better than we could have ever even imagined.
Charlie Todd: Remotely close from Madden, so I agree 100 percent but yeah, but yeah, that was uh, it was a it was a yeah a long story But yeah, it was a it's a blessing behind all of it when it's all said done because like I said, I If nothing happens, I make it to NFL and and who knows what I'm doing. Who knows what my my my thing There's a lot of guys to I There's a lot of guys who can't give up, like, the sport or the thing that they do so much.
Charlie Todd: They get so stuck on it and so hung up on it to the point that, like, it ends up being their life and who they identify themselves as. What do you mean? That's not who you are. Like, like, God always has somewhere. Everything happens for you, not to you. And you really have to understand that in order to, um, be able to function and stay, stay sane in this world when it's all said and done.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And God calls us to fight the fight that we're in, not to fight other people's fight, not to [00:19:00] do. What other people do, we, we, he made us a very specific way and, uh,
Charlie Todd: Oh yeah. Well, yeah, I get, I get you, I get you. Well, yeah, well, yeah, man. Oh, yeah.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So tell me about this harness. How does it work? I didn't realize you had this, this, uh, this thing that you're making.
Charlie Todd: So it's, yeah, so it's, um, we do all, and I'll send you some videos too, that way I can, um, reference it too as well. But it's a, um, so granted now we originally came up with it to. Work on speed and more so be an athletic thing, but from there, I have a, um, a chiropractor who's been close to it since I was in high school and he was like, man, he's constantly throwing, throwing in suggestions to as well, like, yo, like, yo, this could be way more this recovery.
Charlie Todd: This is all this stuff. Granted, it was for recovering, but at the same time, if you look at any type of physical therapy, any, [00:20:00] any type of injuries, the first thing they put you on is either resistance bands. Yeah. Or medicine balls, excuse me, put you on resistance bands or medicine balls, but wouldn't it make sense to train with that immediately and just to prevent the injuries right off the back, build strength right off the back doing the same exact thing.
Charlie Todd: So that's kind of became the focal point behind it. So now, instead of just doing weights, weights, weights, weights, and then waiting for an injury to use resistance bands. Incorporate the resistance bands right from the jump and also it is kind of like a, um, so we do every day power cardio core at the gym, so power more sculpting heavyweights pushing the weights a little bit.
Charlie Todd: Cardio we're adding the resistance. So we're running with the resistance. We're doing drills with them. Keep in mind we're doing resistance band training. During the powers portion, but don't cardio. We're we're incorporating resistance. So it's replacing like a weighted vest So with the bands so they can get [00:21:00] anywhere from say 40 to the 30 40 to 60 pounds additional weight on your thing without the strain of, um, uh, strain and joints or like ankles.
Charlie Todd: I know weighted vests are good, but they're, they can pay a toll on your, um, on your ankles and your joints over time. This prevents that too, as well, because resistance bands, like I said, it's dummy proof when it comes down to, um. Working on your form, doing squats and things of that nature. So, like I said, coming up with it was, was, it was a long process, a very long process.
Charlie Todd: It took us a couple of years to get it down to what it is now. But after we did it, now it's just there. It's, it's been working for us. We got online training as well as in house training, which we do. Everything revolves around the harness on both of them. Both ends.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: That's, that's amazing. From residency, I remember them saying that every five pounds off your abdomen takes 20 pounds of pressure [00:22:00] off your knees when you run.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so, yeah, if you put a 60 pound vest on, it's like, I mean, that's a lot of pressure on your knees.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of people, you see, like, people that are overweight, they'll say, man, I'm having knee injury, so I can't go to the gym. No, you need to go to the gym to get rid of that knee injury. Cause you have to lose some weight to get that off them.
Charlie Todd: The probably the more weight you lose, the, the better off you'll be. So like I said, it takes time, but it's just part of, you got to strengthen yourself. And once again, we, we find a way to make it so you're just by having it on, you're burning more calories. You know what I mean? So. Yeah. So, it ends up being a win win.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So, what got you into looking into diet? Because I know it makes sense that nutrition is a huge part of working out and just of life, but in med school, like, I think we got maybe a half hour or an hour of nutrition, and you would think that that would be an important part, especially as a doctor of osteopathy.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I mean, we're supposed to be the other kind of doctor that looks at [00:23:00] the other side of it, and we got no education in it. So what, what made you begin to look that direction?
Charlie Todd: Well, what, um, really got me, so you gotta, you gotta think too, I've always been somewhat of a healthy person. After about 25, really somewhere around after that injury, I started putting on weight and, um, I just like started really right, like diving into the fitness side of things from there.
Charlie Todd: So I've always experimented with, um, different type of diets. I'll either come across a diet, whether it be vegan, whether it be, um, um, paleo, whether it be, um, obviously carnivore now, but when I see diets, I go, you know what, let me give it a try. Cause I, I'm never one to just take anyone's judgment. From whatever it may be defer to some effect that I know some people always say follow the money Sometimes people are pushing something just because it's been a financially beneficial for them [00:24:00] so with that said I ended up coming across carnivore because like I just was like I'm a guy man.
Charlie Todd: I got a fine if I'm gonna recommend diets I need to be the one to try it. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense for me to recommend something because especially in the field that I'm in, you see a lot of training. Like, I see over nothing against overweight people like, but you see overweight trainers. You'll see people that like, you can tell they're not doing what they're telling me to do.
Charlie Todd: You're telling me to go run 5 miles, but you. I know you're not. I know you're not doing it. And, and it kind of goes back to that. Like, I always wanted to be someone who, um, who could not only practice with a preach, but I'm not giving you just something. Well, what I heard or I, this happened for them. I want to try it for myself, see how it feels, see if I'm losing anything or gaining anything and how it feels, um, according to my own personal, um, data, if that makes sense.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You mentioned veganism and I, I mentioned that only to say, uh, on a completely unrelated note, this past weekend in church, [00:25:00] uh, Pastor put up this verse, Romans 14, 2, at, uh, NIV, and it says, One person's faith allows them to eat anything, but another's whose faith is weak eats only vegetables. Mm hmm. And there's some other context involved there, so I don't want to get, you know, a bunch of hate in here.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, plenty of context behind it. There's more context behind it, but it's just, it's just interesting that that is a verse that is in there, you know?
Charlie Todd: 100%. As I was saying, isn't that crazy? Like, like the, the, the things we think are so new, like, like, like vegetarians and vegans and all that stuff, that's been going on for like forever.
Charlie Todd: But we look at it like, oh, this is just a new wave. No, this has been going on for a long time. Just read the Bible, you'll pull it up and see it. But then at the same time, and like I said, I had someone, um, um, write, In the comments on that talking about, um, like the, the, the red meat on the side of things and, and shouldn't be drinking blood.
Charlie Todd: You're all of that stuff. You got to read [00:26:00] the context behind the Bible. You can't just take a verse. And just try to run with it. You got to read the context. There's this context behind everything during those times. So for, as for the, um, to read me during those times, they were drinking blood and sacrificial, um, for, for, um, like, obviously the Bible says the blood is life, but it also, they're saying during that time, that's what they were doing.
Charlie Todd: They were practicing a lot of rituals that we should not be doing even to this day. But Jesus coming was the fulfillment of that. Like, you know, it doesn't matter what's going inside. It's, it's, it's what's going in your heart. And, and like, so you're allowed to eat meat. Like you're allowed to eat meat.
Charlie Todd: You, you, you can enjoy yourself and you don't have to, don't try to make that a, a, a faith thing, because the Bible will contradict that every single time you try to make that.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: What is interesting, when I first stumbled across Carnivore, and I had been studying it for a while, and I started watching this, this video on, on YouTube, and it was called the [00:27:00] Epitome of Malnourishment.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And in the middle of this video, uh, this guy, Godas, he, he takes all these videos of people who, you know, people put their whole lives on YouTube, and he, he took them before their car Before they're vegan. And then they become vegan and you can see them just waste away in front of your eyes. And they're like, one guy's talking to teeth, a tooth just shoots out of his mouth.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And it's like, it's like, yeah, that sounds like a winter diet to me. And then at one point, I want to sign up for that. At one point, this one guy just goes off, and it looks like the devil came out of him. I mean, he just looks like he was possessed. He just starts screaming about how he hates kids, and it, and it dawned on me at that moment that it's like the screw tape letters.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's the best way that, that the evil one has convinced humans that eat this food. It's good for you when really it's not good for you. It doesn't have the nutrition that you need because what happens is eventually you become B12 deficient. And B12 deficiency leads to anemia, leads to numbness, tingling in the nerves, but [00:28:00] at its worst, it can look like, you can get neuropsych symptoms that look like schizophrenia.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So at some point, you're deficient in B12, which is only found in animals. That you, your brain gets so disordered that it can't even see that there's a problem.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, and that's a, and that's a, the, the, the bigger thing too, to me is, is just to simply have you tried this diet. There's absolutely no way that diet should make you feel exhausted, drained. When I say I, I tried, uh, vegan for maybe a, a week or two, and I'm like, yeah, there's no, uh, no way I'm suggesting this to anybody.
Charlie Todd: No, no way. It's like you gotta be crazy like you and it's like I said nothing nothing against them But and but people that that do the vegan diet you end up to sustain the diet you end up eating Unhealthy food just to sustain the diet processed food things that you for sure should not be eaten [00:29:00] Let alone the, like the carbs, the overload on carbs and overload on things that you, you, you, you swear those are replacing protein when reality is just putting fat on your body.
Charlie Todd: Like, you, you see it not working for you, but for some reason, it's a delusional mindset that makes you really believe that this is doing something that's beneficial for you when you're just sluggish and sluggish on top of, now I've seen people successfully do it. So, but once again. That's, that's where you got that.
Charlie Todd: I'm, I'm, I'm good where I'm at right now, and I, I, like I said, like I said, you lose so much, you lose so much just to, to claim to be a, a vegan or, or, like you're doing, and there's some people who do it for the, um, what's it called, like the, um, shoot, um, Huh? Not necessarily religious. Yeah, there's religious people.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, the ethic side of things. There's people like the, the, what the health thing that came on and made you feel like terrible for doing it. But once again, the Bible also [00:30:00] talks about that too.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. I turned that movie off because it made me so angry with the propaganda they were spouting. And I, I had to go back later and watch it like six months later.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It was, it was that bad. I was so angry watching that.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, mine was the opposite mine. They got me. They got me for a second That's when that's when I tried to uh on the vegan diet they got me for a second then after I started doing like the food they were saying to eat i'm like All right, this can't be right.
Charlie Todd: Let me go, let me go check some sources. Majority of the sources are financially benefiting from being vegans and a lot of people that was talking in there, they were overweight and out of shape too. I'm like, how y'all promoting something? Y'all don't even look like y'all are doing it. So, yeah, it's just, I don't know, it's full of it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's, it's, it's that unseen realm. And I think a good way of describing the unseen realm is it's a, it's a PSYOP. It's a psychological operation for the human mind. And it's the evil side. Of, of the world, you know, it's the evil one who's trying to convince humans because Satan can't get at God, but he can get at [00:31:00] God's children and that gets at God.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so if he destroys us, well, then he's, he's, he's one. And, and so when you, you move past that and you have God in your heart, then you're free to eat whatever you need to.
Charlie Todd: For sure. And you understand that too as well. You understand that. Yeah, I like that. I like that. Yeah, you, you see, you see it too much.
Charlie Todd: Like people, people, um, try to use religion to, to combat something, but obviously you're not, you're not reading your word if you're using religion to, um, to say you shouldn't be me. And then you see go, you go through, if you go through the comments in that, that video, you'll see how many people that you, you could tell aren't reading their Bible.
Charlie Todd: Like, like, yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not, I'm not the most verse well versed person in the world. But at the same time, Google is your friend. Like you can easily Google scripture. That talks about X, Y, Z, and it will pop up like it'll flood and just constantly do it. Like it's really that simple.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: [00:32:00] Well, like when, when Abraham was at the tree of Moriah and the angel of the Lord came to him, he had the servant go kill a fattened calf, get butter and bread.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, that's keto right there. And it's, it's also not kosher. It's mixing life and death. It's mixing meat and butter. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And then you look at Cain and Abel. Like I said, once again. You look at Cain and Abel. And Abel. They literally
Charlie Todd: sacrificed animals.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Right. And it's the fat. And so if you're eating carnivore, the fat is tomorrow's food.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And so it's a real sacrifice, whereas Cain was giving vegetables and grains, which if humans shouldn't be eating them, then it's not a sacrifice. It doesn't mean anything. It's not a sacrifice at all. It's easy to get to. It's easy. What's really cool is we've been doing this thing with our kids is we call it strong food and weak food.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Strong food is anything from an animal. And weak food is anything processed in any vegetable. And we watched this old, um, what is it? There was a show, [00:33:00] it was a cartoon, um, story, no, something book. Uh, I don't know, it's a biblical cartoon. And they did the Cain and Abel story. I thought you were talking about the, um...
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Storybook? Storybook? Anyhow,
Charlie Todd: this is a power book or something like that. Yeah.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, but it was from like the 80s or something when this one was done and they did a cane and able story and it's, it was mind blowing because they actually had cane eating vegetables and then his brother able brought him eggs and he was just, he was like a, I hate to say it, but like an unstable vegan who just got angry and threw the eggs on the ground rather than eating the healthy, strong food.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And it was just amazing how it aligned like yeah. There's strong foods and there's weak foods. And if you're only eating weak foods, you become weak.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, you can't even function. You can't think properly. You don't react properly. You don't, you, you, in, in, in hostile situations, you don't know how to stay calm and react properly.
Charlie Todd: You, you act out of anger. You act out of frustration because [00:34:00] you don't have nutrition, the nutrients in your body to allow you to go, Oh, you know what? Let me, let me, you know what I mean? Let me, let me think straight in this situation. You're, you're, you're just reacting rather than staying calm and thinking properly.
Charlie Todd: That's funny. That's hilarious. I never broke it down like that. Like, to think about that, the Cain and Abel, uh, story, because that does fit, like, 1000%. I should have commented that with a response.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And another one that, this is stretching a little bit, but if you look, as soon as Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden, uh, God, what did he do?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: He killed an animal and gave them the skins for their clothes. Now, I don't see God being too wasteful. I don't think he would say, let that meat rot there. Don't touch it. We don't know, but I would assume that's the direction they went because Abel became, I heard her. [00:35:00] He was hurting animals, so Abel just became a herder of animals.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So it makes sense that they ate that and went, Hey, this is, this beef is pretty good. We should keep this up.
Charlie Todd: Yep. That's good for you. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. And like I said, man, it's, it's, have you ever ate just salad by itself and walked away? Without being completely starving after two minutes, you know what I mean?
Charlie Todd: After about a minute you're ready to eat again. Like it's it makes no sense to me But once again if people who do it, that's look that's I'm sure you need to come to the other side because otherwise until you do Like I said, that's them. They got it. I will never understand it. I'm no longer trying to understand it.
Charlie Todd: I tried to understand it. You lost me. I'm right back over here. I will never get that.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: What's interesting about the Bible too is, is it advocates that people fast at times. [00:36:00] And what's... What's interesting about fasting is there's actually a good medical reason to fast. It can supercharge your immune system, it can help you become more insulin sensitive.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I was just saying how there's a biblical basis for fasting, and when we take that information, we... Look at it from a scientific perspective. It makes sense because it helps our immune system to be supercharged. It helps us to fight infections. It helps us to, um, not get cancer because our immune system is always looking for disordered cells and it can wipe them out easier.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Uh, when we're in ketosis, it, as when we're fasting, our immune system is supercharged. Um, and then people will say, Oh, what about the Daniel diet? They just ate vegetables on the Daniel diet. That is a misconception. It is a Daniel fast. It is a time of taking in non nutritious food. It's not a way to live for the rest of your life
Charlie Todd: Yeah, and then if you follow and then to back [00:37:00] that up the the first Scripture of it was talking about how, um, he wasn't going to eat what the king was eating.
Charlie Todd: They didn't give a full description on what exactly the king was eating. So people try to make this seem like that's me. No, the king could have been eating just bread and crap all single day. Like, and he obviously got them to, to get the guys to follow his diet. And then they move on to the, the, the next, um, next verse, it's talking about how he was fasting to get closer to God.
Charlie Todd: That was a praying moment, a spiritual fast, not just a, not just about the food. It was more so Lord, I don't need, and it backs up another verse where it says, man, should not live on bread alone. That's what that represents more than, um, Uh, well, let's do this fast because it's fast only eating vegetables only and stuff like that.
Charlie Todd: That's that's it's not about the Necessarily a nutritional side of things that wasn't a nutritional verse That was a verse saying this is how i'm getting closer to god because I want to [00:38:00] build my relationship with jesus You know what? I mean? It wasn't it wasn't with Like, we're trying to spill it off.
Charlie Todd: And as I said, that's one of the things I can't, I wish churches would explain the Daniel Fast a lot better. Because with the churches that I've been to in the past, unfortunately, the Daniel Fast is literally a weight loss, um, kicker for everybody in the church. And then everybody goes right, it's like a big feast celebration after the Daniel Fast is over.
Charlie Todd: They go right back to fried everything, like the food that I mentioned in the video. Every single thing that, that they was eating before, you're just going right back to it. This isn't, this isn't beneficial by any means. So, they need to do a better job of explaining it too as well, so I agree.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I was listening to this rabbi a while back, and he would say that the Jewish law is not there, like the food law, the kosher law, was not put in place to really be a health thing, although it is, it was put in there more so to exercise that no muscle, so that, so that [00:39:00] God's people would be set apart and different.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: So that it would be clear, like, these are God's people, they're so different, they eat different things, they do different things with their food, they don't mix life and death, that's why you don't eat meat and, and dairy, because you don't want to mix these ideas of life and death. The way we do that today is, is you can be so different than everyone else by just...
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Watching what goes into your mouth and, and treating your body like a temple, and eating meat and fruit. Now, I'm more of a proponent of just meat, but I think meat and just fruit is, is right, right there. I mean, that's, that's treating your body like a temple. And then exercise is treating your body like a temple, allowing God to work through you.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Because if you're the hands and feet of God, you need to be able to go where he sends you. And if you can't move because you haven't taken care of your temple, then you can't do God's work.
Charlie Todd: Then, then what you... Yeah, you're, you're useless. The Bible talks about being lazy. The Bible says, talks about, um, uh, men not working.
Charlie Todd: [00:40:00] It says it, it says it's, it's clear. Like that's, that's unacceptable. But, but yeah, , it's unacceptable by all means. But, but for some reason, this body positivity, movement, all the stuff that's been going on, that's clearly not of God that we're jumping on, like, like there's no, I say no one should be able to, no one should call themselves a Christian.
Charlie Todd: And at the same breath say they're body positive and they just let themselves go because it's not biblical by by no means. It's it's it's not healthy. It's nothing good about it. You're sluggish. You're draining. If you really had to, like, say, say, the Bible talks about a war. Say, if we really had, there's a song, there's a, um, old song that we used to sing in our church, um, I'm a soldier in the army of the Lord.
Charlie Todd: Yeah.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Say, if we really
Charlie Todd: had to fight in the army of the Lord. Uh huh. Say, if we really did have to do it, what do you think is going to happen with you? You're praying that God just takes care of all the fat off your body and turn you into a [00:41:00] superhero. Yeah. What is going on? Like, and, and, and, but at the same time, um, you should, you should want to carry yourself a certain way.
Charlie Todd: You should want to look a certain way. You should want to feel a certain way on a daily. I did not, I will never understand people just letting themselves go. There's nothing good about it. Nothing healthy about it. Nothing funny about it. It's, it's just kind of like. Man, it's sad. It's sad. It shows like, like I said, I, I look at it as spiritual too.
Charlie Todd: Like, that's the devil has a grip on you. You don't look at it that way. You just look at it as food. Food is your God right now. You can't say, like I said, the majority of the people that disagree, there's some people who like, like, like don't, um, in the gym crazy, but they still can accept that. They still hold themselves accountable.
Charlie Todd: But there are people that are mad about that. Or one post that's literally, I'm backing it up with scripture. How are you mad? How are you mad with the scriptures backing it up? And then you're trying to find other scriptures to contra not even contradict to fight against what i'm saying yo This is [00:42:00] like, food really has that type of grip on you, but you don't see it that way.
Charlie Todd: Let it go, like, like, you need to fast, like, and then, and then, find a way to reel it back in from there. The fasting isn't just the, don't get me wrong, there's a lot of, um,
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Oh, what's interesting is, you know, people forget who the prince of this world is. They think that, that that's Jesus, that the prince of this world is not Jesus.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: The prince of, of, No, it's not. This world is Satan. And if Satan can control your body through the food, the material things that you put into it, well, then he's going to do that. And he's done that. Look at Kellogg Corn Flakes. The whole reason Kellogg Corn Flakes were invented was to suppress the male appetite.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, there's some bad parts of it, but if men aren't being men, society collapses. Because there's no one there to stand against the evil. Oh, yeah.
Charlie Todd: Oh, yeah. One thousand percent. That opens up a whole different, um, um, what's it called? Portal. When it comes out of that. Oh, yeah. We got, [00:43:00] um, women fighting against men.
Charlie Todd: And not physically, but more so just the mindset of I don't need a man when we're supposed to be working together. Um, for the works of the Lord when it's all said and done, but reality, we've made it such a, a money thing. Uh, I could do it for myself. You don't have to, I don't want to do it. I can't re I don't want to raise my kids by myself.
Charlie Todd: I don't want to, you know what I mean? We're meant to be here together. We're meant to be here together. So why not? Why not work to find out ways and then understand that if there's something contradicting or going against that, then it's obviously not the works of the Lord. Understanding there's something else you should be on.
Charlie Todd: Okay, well, why are we fighting right now? Why are we going against each other? Why are we, why are we, why am I so, um, hell bent on becoming an independent person? When reality, I don't nothing about the Bible says we need to be independent. Why do I feel that way? It's it's the prince of this world. That's what it is.
Charlie Todd: It's not God you go pray [00:44:00] come pray together And then get it back and get it right
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I was listening to a Bible, I was listening to a Bible project recently, and they, they said that, I believe the word is azer. So when Adam was put into the garden, and they, they couldn't, like he couldn't find a suitor, um, or a helper suitable for him, the word they used was azer.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And, and that's, that was the same word that was used to describe Jesus as a savior, because he couldn't survive alone. And it's, it's, there's not a higher, like one's higher, one's lower, there's different roles and different positions. But... It was a gift for him to get Eve. It was like a savior to him because he would not be able to do what his will, or what God's will was, is to further the species.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You can't have more people if you only have one man.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, impossible. And I think, I think more so on that, that's more of a, I think a, uh, an understanding of the power in the words. And [00:45:00] I, I look at it from, so with women, they hear, Help me and submissive. They think lesser than men. Some men think, well, I'm, I'm, I'm king.
Charlie Todd: Then if that's the case, I'm king pin and I run this. And because of that, that's not the mindset. That's not the mindset that you should have by no means in scripture backs that up. Scripture scripture doesn't show men abusing the power that, um, or at least the ones that God confirmed. It doesn't show men abusing the power of having women.
Charlie Todd: It shows men loving. Their wives the same way that Christ loves the church and in order for us to do that Then then we obviously have responsibility and obligations for ourselves to as well as men
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: lay down our life for our spouse
Charlie Todd: Mm hmm. Oh, yeah, no question about it. There's no there's absolutely nothing I won't do for my wife and and and that's not like a don't get me wrong.
Charlie Todd: Like she's a she's a great help mate She's she's All of that and above, we get closer and close. We read the Bible together, we do certain things [00:46:00] together, but at the same time, like there's absolutely nothing I, I won't do, I, I, for my wife, I probably put myself in a case of judgment that, that I don't know, that like, you know what I mean?
Charlie Todd: I, I, I'm, yeah, I'm here to protect my wife by, by all means, you know what I mean? Incriminate ourselves before something happens here. I couldn't imagine what I would do. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. For real.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: But I get it. I would walk through fire, you know,
Charlie Todd: man, yeah, anything. And that's, but that's, that's what the, the love, the Bible says, um, the husband should love his wife, wife respect.
Charlie Todd: And we know, I always look at it like respect goes kind of across the board. I get, I think people got an idea of what respect is, but love can be different. That's why they got these books, different love languages. Love looks different from, from most women. Women are. Are complicated when it's all said and done, the best way to put it.
Charlie Todd: So love for one isn't love the same love. You know what I mean? [00:47:00] It's not the same. So you got to understand. We are the ones that kind of constantly adapt to that love and what that love may be when it's all said and done.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, and what's interesting about that is it seems like, oh, you know, some people can say, oh, I hate having to adapt.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: No, that's what keeps you alive. Cause at the point you stop learning to learn you're spiritually dead. And, and that's why. That's why you date and then that's and because it's something new and then that's why you're getting engaged because it's something new and then you get married because it's something new and then you have kids because that's always something new and then eventually grandkids and that's something new that you're always learning.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: You're always improving yourself.
Charlie Todd: Yeah, yeah, it's always going to be changes in it. Like the person I'm married, really for me, I'll just speak on myself. We got married at 27, 28, somewhere around there. I hope she don't see this. 27, 28, somewhere around there, and who I, who I was at 27 is nowhere near who I am right now at 35, like I'm, I'm a complete different person, whole different mindset, whole different drive.[00:48:00]
Charlie Todd: Don't get me wrong, I, I literally always had it. Visions of being successful at myself for myself. Always had that. Now, my, my, everything I do is for my family at this point, obviously for the Lord, obviously, but everything I do is to make sure that they're good. Like I'm here. Like, I feel obligated to not only protect them, provide, not only to do all that stuff, but also to make sure they got a closer relationship with God like that.
Charlie Todd: In my eyes, that's scarier than anything else. That's scary. It's all homeless. If I go homeless today, I'll figure that out. We'll figure that out. We'll work that out. But if I want to go today and and or something Well, I don't want to say that but it's something where it happened to my family where the point that that if i'm absent Then they can't um, they don't know where to go to to stay stay sane They don't know to get get into the word get closer to god Even regardless of what happens to me then I feel like I failed in that situation.
Charlie Todd: You know what I mean? So as big as [00:49:00] just the the the the protecting and providing stuff, you know what I mean?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I think the legacy every Christian man wants to leave behind is that his children will, in their old age, follow Jesus. You know, I mean, in their young age, they may not, they may have that rebellious state, but if you teach them the ways of the Lord, in their old age, they won't stray from it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And that's from Proverbs, I don't remember
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: the verse.
Charlie Todd: Definitely. Yeah, definitely. The prodigal son, all that stuff. You see it. Time and time again in the Bible, once again, like, and that's also like, I always put like the, the level of importance of, um, what we do. And I go back to that, the manifesting thing.
Charlie Todd: Everybody wants to, to manifest themselves into success and be whatever they be. If you're not trying to be who God called you to be, you're going to probably go down a path that you don't want to go. And, and use Jesus life for example, Jesus was on paper a carpenter or a, um, what's it called? A, um, a, a mason, um, historically, I [00:50:00] think they would, they, they said it was.
Charlie Todd: He ain't known for being a carpenter. Like it's, his story has nothing to do with carpentry. His story was much bigger and much greater because he's, um, lived, um, for the father. And that needs to be our life, like that needs to be the story of our life, or this effect with this fitness thing or whatever I'm whatever you say I'm doing, that's great.
Charlie Todd: Like, if I'm reaching people, that's great. If I'm helping people, that's great. But at the end of the day, I don't want to be just known for somebody who. Um, got people in shape worked out. I want to be known for the other side, like what God called us to be. And I like the same amount of people that I'm helping get in shape.
Charlie Todd: I want to be helping them get closer to God too as well.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, I mean, spiritual shape is more important than physical shape.
Charlie Todd: Spiritual shape will help you get in the physical shape.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: It's the discipline you need. Exactly.
Charlie Todd: Mm hmm. 100%. You can wake up every single day and [00:51:00] dive into the Bible, even when you don't feel like it when you're tired.
Charlie Todd: Same thing. It's no different than diving into the gym. You ain't gonna feel like God some days, but you know what it does for you. You know exactly what it does for you. It gets you a little bit closer to your goal. Same thing with the Bible. It gets your relationship a little bit closer to God every time you open the Bible.
Charlie Todd: There's times I'll, I'll, I've read Matthew, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, like a hundred times. And I feel like every time I read, like, I'm learning something brand new. I guess it's like the first time I read it every single time. It's kind of like that movie. Like there's movies, there's a, there's like a, you watch a funny movie and you're laughing through the parts.
Charlie Todd: And then the next time you watch it, you're like, Oh, I didn't even know they said that. And you're laughing about it. It's kind of the same thing. You don't. Constantly get yourself and dive in, dive into it, and then over time, you're reciting the, the, the, the words in the movie because you watch it so many times, you know it, that's the same way with the Bible, you gotta spend time in it, and dive in it, and dive in it, to not only be able to read and recite it, but to understand that it [00:52:00] says there, there's not, I may not remember the chapters, I may not remember the verses, but I know, I know a lot of the stuff that's in it because I dive in, I spend time reading it.
Charlie Todd: And just trying to get, trying to get a closer understanding of what the word says and everything and every aspect of life, not just the, the, um, food side, obviously the food side is important because that's a easy introduction to, hey, you know, it says in the Bible that boom, boom, boom, you should be doing this, the body, the temple, I should be able to, I should be able to recite that as a Christian, as a man who says he follows Christ.
Charlie Todd: So, and, and obviously, hopefully that'll not only. Kick someone in the, the, the, the rear end. So get closer to their fitness goals, but also go, man, the Bible does say that, you know what I mean? The Bible does say the Bible does talk. Let me read more about what the Bible says about health. And then now somebody diving into the Bible just because you know what I mean?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yeah. You know, they're doing it to prove you wrong and they read it more and you're like, Oh, maybe it's not wrong.
Charlie Todd: Yeah. You know, people convert, you know, people convert to Christianity [00:53:00] from reading the Bible to try to prove somebody wrong. There's a lot of books. All the time, all the time. And it's hilarious to me because, and I, um, I don't know if you ever, you ever heard of a guy named Sam Shaboom.
Charlie Todd: I don't believe so. No. Yeah, but he, he, um, he's a apologist, uh, I think I said that right, but he, um, long story short, he, he, he debates Jehovah's Witness, he debates Muslims, he debates atheists, he debates all of them, and they always try to use the Bible to contradict whatever he's saying, and he just eats them up, he just, with the word, like, it is, it's funny to watch.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I read this one book. Seeking Allah, finding Jesus and it was like, wow, that was great. And I actually had the pleasure to read it while I was in Kuwait. And so I was in that part of the world and I was, it was an interesting perspective.
Charlie Todd: And if, and a lot of people that it's unfortunate that, that you see.
Charlie Todd: I'm not going to be specific on religion. I don't want [00:54:00] to, I don't want to offend necessarily, but at the same time, you can tell when people haven't read the Bible before from cover to cover to understand that Jesus is in the Old Testament just as much as he's in the New Testament. And a lot of, a lot of other religions say, well, Jesus can't be God because there's only one God.
Charlie Todd: It says it here in the New Old Testament. Oh, yeah. Okay. Duh. Like, like. Yeah, but also read here. Also read. Yeah, same guy. Same dude.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Kept appearing. That was, that was him. Yes.
Charlie Todd: That's him. That's him. And it's clear as day. All you have to do is follow what he's saying. He's the only one saying this. So if he says it here, he's the only one saying it here too as well.
Charlie Todd: And then they go, then they'll say, um, well, nowhere did Jesus say, I am God worship me. Well, he does say worshiping. He also says I'm God. He may not have said I am God, but he [00:55:00] also said before, um, Abraham was I am that's telling you. He's telling you. He literally spent time. The guy that's in the story that's that's chilling and kicking it back with Abraham.
Charlie Todd: That's him. He's telling you that. So why do you think they picked up stones to try to stone him if he didn't say he was God? Why do you think that? You know what I mean? Like I said, but people won't read it fully. And they won't read their own books fully to see the contradictions in them. So, it's like a lose lose.
Charlie Todd: If you read the Bible, even if you're trying to, it don't matter what you're trying to do, if you're trying to f
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