MZTV 1350: God Sets Cherubim as Watchers Over Human Governments

10 months ago

In Ezekiel chapter 28, the King James Version of the Bible calls the Prince of Tyrus a cherub: "Thou art the covering cherub." This is as wrong as can be. When we get the linguistics and the Scriptural interpretations right, we discover that it was a cherub (a spiritual being) that God set OVER ("covered") the kingdom of the Prince of Tyrus on the day that his kingdom was created.

Why did God write all this detail concerning a two-bit king in a two-bit province, cared about by no one? He did it so He could bait the passage with traps ("perfect," "created," "Eden," "cherub") making it easy for translators and interpreters to force the passage into teaching the fall from perfection of Satan—a twist necessary to preserving the Catholic teaching of eternal torment.

With God removed from the creation not only of the devil but of evil itself, the choice between eternal life or eternal torture could then be placed squarely on the shoulders of the people/payees, who would then have to turn to the church for deliverance from future torment—for a price, of course.

The Catholic church extracted that price in "indulgences" (money paid to the church to help dead relatives avoid hell). Modern churches extract the price in devotion to the church and, of course, the never-ending tithe.


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