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TheDimNews LIVE: Motorist Shoots Environmental Protesters | Man Yells at Cops, Loses Gun Permit
Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.
Qriist Supporter FIRST.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ FIRSTIEST
Qriist Supporter I conceed defirst.
MudderFetcher my cats love this video
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ WARE DE SHOW
RonGreen1 We want Alex! We want Bev!
Qriist Supporter Jamaica
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ We want Balex!
MudderFetcher I wonder what the TTO is tonight (Time Till Orgasnort)
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I gave up my Friday night for this?
RonGreen1 We're starting a half hour earlier they said.😂
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ We'll be on time, they said.
MudderFetcher they didn't say which timezone they'd be early in
Qriist Supporter There's your first mistake, MudderFetcher: trusting those who consort with barking geese to honor their time commitments.
RonGreen1 Beverly should sell some of her dice and get a Timex.
JQuickDraw Supporter I'm here for the activist shootings.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Those who consort with barking geese should not be listened to." - Some Smart Guy, probably.
Qriist Supporter I'd vote for that guy.
MudderFetcher just found some dice designed to help people tell time lol
RonGreen1 Woohoo! We have ladies.
MudderFetcher floppy tenderloin wave
Qriist Supporter mudderfetcher was actually first
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Fun Fact: "Portmanteau" is a portmanteau itself.
MudderFetcher Aloverly is the name that Alex can never say back to you lmao
JQuickDraw Supporter You made Alex laugh by talking in the female foghorn leghorn southern accent, describing the rumblings in your hoo-ha.
MudderFetcher Alex is allergic to time
MudderFetcher ^see lol
RonGreen1 The watch is dead because Alex is always dropping it on the floor.
MudderFetcher my Amazon is infected by dice now lol
When Beverly and Alex become Balex, is that through the Fusion Dance or through the Potara earrings?
MudderFetcher my famous catchphrase [ ]
Qriist Supporter Extremely quoteable.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ It's like Schroedinger's Watch. It's both dropped and not dropped until the cat is dead...or something.
MudderFetcher they did fistbump last night
Gonna need a video of you two doing a perfect fusion dance. State law.
RonGreen1 Pro tip: If you're walking down the street and someone asks for the time, never pull out your phone to check the time. You're being set up.
Shut up and take my money. 💰️
MudderFetcher thanks portrait mode
Qriist Supporter it was a Futurama meme reference lol
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ I used the shooting motorist as a comic strip for the Discord server that I manage. This link is a safe image:
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+;
Donation for the image above.
MudderFetcher if a strangers asks you something just start twitching
Qriist Supporter September had a Monday 18
MudderFetcher Arizona watch skip a month when the time changes
Monday the 18th is the new Friday the 13th.
Qriist Supporter FUSION DANCES
RonGreen1 Now that we're back on standard time, I'm an hour younger.
Qriist Supporter Beverly just had a blond moment. She's still waiting on her hot blond moment, though.
MudderFetcher I kinda leave it to the other person whether it's a hug or handshake
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ (alex is okay to still hit on, though.)
Qriist Supporter Beverly just said she likes riding guys lol
MudderFetcher Beverly tells a strip club story...everyone drink
My favorite part of this story is how Beverly is proud that she went dumpster diving in her own home.
MudderFetcher Beverly and The Ginger threatening to cancel the wedding anytime one of them withholds candy
Qriist Supporter should have just STRIPPED on the titlecard
Qriist Supporter put STRIPPED*
MudderFetcher he found the child
Qriist Supporter the kid is some hobo adoption
TacosAndBeer They suspended his carry license
Qriist Supporter This isn't just a 2A issue (which it definitely is) but also a serious 1A issue. The government retaliated against him for his protected speech.
RonGreen1 Chitty chitty bang bang motherfucker.
MudderFetcher sounds like he embarrassed the local PD and they revoked his permit
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Yep, and now everyone knows that he is forcibly unarmed.
MudderFetcher yeah...great...come to Texas...thanks
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Ricci fired his pink confetti cannon at the intruders..."
MudderFetcher Hot Tea is Orgasnort material apparently
Qriist Supporter One man tea party revolution
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Coming to the stage, it's 'Hot T'!"
RonGreen1 Hot tea and a wireless hole puncher. Don't leave home without it.
Qriist Supporter FUSION DANCE MOBS
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ One of the kids that I game with recently called the apostrophe on the keyboard the "top comma".
MudderFetcher is that like a front hole?
RonGreen1 The police are never there to help.
JQuickDraw Supporter But I heard a lot of people in CA now rely on "stealing" $995 worth of groceries each month. It's built into their budgets.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ At this rate, the California living-standard bubble will burst, and it will just be a huge state modern-day hippie communes.
jbsx Erl, you need some strawberries
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Awww. Daisy Cousins is so cute. Any chance getting her on the show?
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Big fan of hers.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Very funny and intellignet.
RonGreen1 Everyone needs a friend named Roscoe. That's a euphemism for a gun too, Bev.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ My favorite punctuation is the interrobang. It was on typewriters until the mid 1900s.
MudderFetcher *walks into store* "How much can I steal in this state?"
RonGreen1 Strawberries and Cool whip. Oh yeah!
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Call Daisy Cousins now. It's like 10 AM in Australia right now.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ And thank her for the orgasnorts and vaginas.
dilinius If you're holding people against their will on a road by using your body, is it really a protest? I'd say no. I'd say it's a kidnapping.
JQuickDraw Supporter It looks like a little hat that an Italian from the 16th century would wear to the market.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Fun fact: The cloud of symbols when a comic strip character is cursing is called a "grawlix", and it was invented by the creator of the Beetle Bailey comic strip.
Qriist Supporter w
MudderFetcher if someone pulls out a gun and you stand there defiantly = ya might get shot
dilinius LOL, sorry, I always have some kind of opinion but they change too.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Qriist, I love how they also made the upsidedown interrobang for our Spanish-speaking friends.
MudderFetcher wasn't Bankman-Fried into Interrobangs?
Qriist Supporter We'll get to the top just a soon as Beverly is done talking about her domestic dumpster diving and subsequent editorial critques of proto-American articles about luxury LA homes.
Qriist Supporter top=topic
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ @Mudder, naw, that was Bill Clinton.
MudderFetcher no that's an Internobang
dilinius My cat had to get stitches recently...outside kitty. Got attacked by something. It's healing well.
RonGreen1 Gun rights are human rights.
MudderFetcher "Bird of Prey Picked-Up My Dachshund" is Alex's country album
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ Fun fact: During that strange time after the dinosaurs went extinct and mammals exploded, eagles were enormous. There is anthropologic evidence that these huge eagles actually hunted early humans.
MudderFetcher now I just want waffle fries
MudderFetcher Kenny was done with their shit
JQuickDraw Supporter He looks like George Lucas finally taking out Kathleen Kennedy.
dilinius lol
RonGreen1 Never mess with an old man that's dressed.
Qriist Supporter Never mess with a naked old man, either.
MudderFetcher Code Rainbow means that it might rain dildos
RonGreen1 The old guy was trained in the ancient martial art of Ching Ching Pow.
MudderFetcher that flying casing pic will live on forever
Qriist Supporter "Sometimes life just pistol whips you" -Alex
Qriist Supporter Alex, there's no need for What Ifs. EVERYONE in a car has limited mobility.
RonGreen1 Make roadkill great again.
Qriist Supporter Right, but what I'm getting at is, laws shouldn't be made because of exceptions.
Qriist Supporter It is reasonable to say that everyone in a car has limited mobility, because that's objectively true.
MudderFetcher the high value item is one of those shitty strawberry candies
dilinius It's a dildo that you got from the code rainbow day
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ That's why OJ Simpson went to jail.
MudderFetcher illegally detained
MudderFetcher false imprisonment
JQuickDraw Supporter I'm down with sexy imprisonment.
Qriist Supporter unlawful arrest
dilinius denial of movement
JQuickDraw Supporter When activists stop your movement, the choice is kidnapping or GTA. Funnily enough, the old man in the story chose GTA, like the video game.
Qriist Supporter mostly peaceful traffic stop
dilinius That wasn't a legal term I've ever heard...I think I made it up
JQuickDraw Supporter mostly shooty traffic stop
MudderFetcher holding someone with a gun pointed at you against their will =Retardment?
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ "Somewhat pew pew situation."
RonGreen1 That's what happens in Seattle
The man's life was not directly in danger himself, but if someone *had* died because of this roadblock, no one would have been held accountable.
The correct amount of force to stop an unlawful arrest is whatever is required to break the detainment. Don't fire on would-be kidnappers running away, but *everything* else is fair game.
dilinius unlawful arrest sounds like an actual legal term
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ In America, you can do a citizen's arrest, but you are opening yourself up to arrest and lawsuits yourself.
When this man gets to court, his entire defense needs to be 12 straight hours of reading articles about Reginald Denny and the numerous other motorists stopped by "peaceful" protests.
Qriist Supporter VIBRATE BITCHES
Qriist Supporter Beverly:
Qriist Supporter many links^
dilinius I'm not sure that would work because he got out and approached them and they weren't directly attacking. So the issue comes to whether you can just arbitrarily hold drivers.
RonGreen1 Reginald Denny was hit in the head with a brick at close range.
ChicagoFaucet Supporter+ If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a brick.
Qriist Supporter He couldn't drive through. They had put roadblocks.
Qriist Supporter Yes, there have been MANY situations like this that have had dire consequences for the driver.
dilinius If it's a downtown area, a lot of the time you can hear about it ahead of time. For climate protests, those can popup fast if you're not paying close attention to their groups' discussions.
RonGreen1 My car has bad brakes.😂
Qriist Supporter yes sanata claus
Qriist Supporter Do not drive over tires, Beverly.
This dollar is earmarked for the Ginger's "GODDAMN IT BEVERLY STOP DRIVING OVER RANDOM CRAP" car repair fund.
RonGreen1 There was an incident where a guy drove over a bumper jack laying in the road, and it came up through the floorboard and impaled him. True story. Happened on I-80.
dilinius I'm apparently a Rumble Elmer Fudd. I have no idea how to use the donation feature if there's one.
Qriist Supporter dilinus: click the dollar sign just under the chat box
dilinius Thanks, I got it.
dilinius $200 lol
dilinius I criticized both Israel and the Palestinians...might have to come back as a different user before donating to stuff :P Don't want to get doxxed.
MudderFetcher depends on what comes out of the tailpipe
RonGreen1 Bumper jacks are the old jacks that hooked into a slot on the bumper. They're about 3 feet long.
JQuickDraw Supporter Spring-heeled Jack lived in Victorian England and could leap clear over small houses.
MudderFetcher natural neck-knife causes
Qriist Supporter this is literally the Blades of Glory plot
Qriist Supporter Assault is the attempt itself. Battery is the succesful connect.
MudderFetcher bottom left
RonGreen1 In the state of Washington, there is no such crime as battery. Only assault.
MudderFetcher apparently he's done this several times
Qriist Supporter Assault is leveling some kind of physical threat at someone. Another example: unlawfully aiming your gun at someone, but not firing, is charged as assault.
Qriist Supporter Assault is generally defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact.
Qriist Supporter I know, some jurisdictions are retarded.
Qriist Supporter I do not wear a soft helmet.
Qriist Supporter "battered wife" comes from battery
JQuickDraw Supporter And if it's sexual, they batter them with their batter.
Qriist Supporter baby batter batting butter
MudderFetcher I thought that listening to women was really wrong but then my wife set me straight
RonGreen1 There are 4 degrees of assault in Washington, depends on injury and if a weapon is involved.
Everyone in the chat needs to like and subscribe. Also, in more important news, I have cookies and milk, because I am an adult.
Qriist Supporter I don't think I've ever heard someone say "milk and cookies"
Qriist Supporter Is this some kind of weird woman hang up?
Qriist Supporter no, it's ALWAYS cookies first
Qriist Supporter Chat back me up
Qriist Supporter Chat?
Qriist Supporter
Qriist Supporter T_T
Qriist Supporter Chat abandoned me. Maybe I'll make a jelly and peanut butter sandwich to cure my depression.
derido888 My last job I left, my boss begged me to stay. I think it was because I was charging way less than I was worth.
derido888 Oof, why am I pink? LOL
Qriist Supporter Yes, ths J&PB was intentional jank. C&M, on the other hand, is correct.
RonGreen1 I'm having banana slices and Cool Whip. Umm umm good.
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User I'm purple!
AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator Cunt!
derido888 OK, I'll check it out
derido888 Thanks for all the help, I'll donate in a second. Are you guys going to be on for awhile?
MudderFetcher sexy banana slices
Here you go.
RonGreen1 Canadians are just Brits with a different accent.
RonGreen1 Never date a woman powerlifter, unless you need to move a sofa.😂
derido888 Supporter Yeah, if they don't put their foot down then in a few years all the "women" will be trans.
Qriist Supporter TIL Beverly is a sexist.
derido888 Supporter It's simply a math problem - whoever wins will be copied, when the trans find an easy way to win, it's all she wrote.
RonGreen1 Men have more lung capacity and bone density.
RonGreen1 Men in women's sports is like putting a heavyweight boxer in the featherweight division.
JQuickDraw Supporter It's also not very enticing to possibly get your skull caved in by someone with 40 lbs of solid muscle on you.
Qriist Supporter There were a few females in the Army that I would be legitimately physically afraid of. The vast majority of female soldiers were significantly less threatening than me.
derido888 Supporter It's under chat settings as far as username color, in account options.
RonGreen1 What is the Olympic position on men in women's sports?
derido888 Supporter I have another interesting issue you guys might talk about later, depending. I was getting policy violations from ChatGPT for talking certain ways to it.
derido888 Supporter Don't let me distract you though.
RonGreen1 It was a woman that taught me how to rollerblade. When I started, I had to use the baby stroller for balance.😂
derido888 Supporter Yeah, I have a daughter and I want the best for her, but I'd never tell her she can beat up a massive guy or that she has advantages physically she certainly doesn't.
RonGreen1 Batgirl is real. What are talking about.
JQuickDraw Supporter Men have trouble writing women characters because they give them agency and accountability. :r+leotoast:
derido888 Supporter Things you never tell a woman, lol
JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly walked into the ouchy table.
JQuickDraw Supporter I can get into a good woman, if you know what I mean.
derido888 Supporter Bunch of bald men standing in a circle. That's funny, I get it.
JQuickDraw Supporter It's known as a "halo" of men.
RonGreen1 Just get some vampire teeth Beverly, and men will fear you.
derido888 Supporter You were talking about making comedy with men only
derido888 Supporter You should do it where the narrator tells things in a funny way where you know it wasn't funny to the characters.
derido888 Supporter There was this one time where I locked myself out of my car and the locksmith when he came out said "Here's my card in case you ever decide to lock yourself out again". Narrators who are kind of...
derido888 Supporter disrespectful to the chars can be hilarious
JQuickDraw Supporter "Alex is me!" This sounds like the beginning of a cloyingly annoying song from a play like "Rent."
RonGreen1 Dammit! I'M ALEX! 🤣
JQuickDraw Supporter "Alex is me!" "It's true!" "I know myself!" *Dancers jump around a stupid fake fire escape. "She's Alex!" "It's me!" Music fades quickly. Cue spotlight. Soliloquy. Tears. :r+rickroll:
derido888 Supporter There's this one documentary where you have a bunch of people trying to get from one city in the Congo to another and they have to take a riverboat. The narrator...omg.
JQuickDraw Supporter Hey, what happened to vagina facts???
JQuickDraw Supporter I need my fix.
JQuickDraw Supporter That would be my...
derido888 Supporter The what? There's TWO of them? Why do you need TWO? LOL
JQuickDraw Supporter lol The organ that makes women wet - are you trying to make me say dirty things?
Lung capacity is sexist. My Health teacher set up a breath→fluid displacement experiment. Boys overall displaced more. Amusingly, I was a huge swimmer as a kid so my lung capacity > test capacity. :D
derido888 Supporter Just don't use talcum powder. Apparently that can give you vagina cancer :P
RonGreen1 This sounds like regular oil vs. synthetic, and the interval between oil changes.
Qriist Supporter He lifts. There is no possible way he eats "the bare minimum".
JQuickDraw Supporter He seems to be trying to say the craziest shit possible, to see what his stans will actually accept.
derido888 Supporter He's deliberately trying to offend. I admit I do that sometimes.
Qriist Supporter Ginger makes some badass steaks
RonGreen1 Cooking is a survival skill.
adamhelm I like to cook. Its not about being manly its fun.
derido888 Supporter I think if you're trying to offend, it should at least be entertaining. Trump's good at that.
Qriist Supporter
RonGreen1 The man can cook dinner, while the wife changes the spark plugs in the car.
Qriist Supporter face RUMP
JQuickDraw Supporter So you swallowed his thick tasty meat?
adamhelm I had a German Shepard named Roscoe. He was sweetheart.
Qriist Supporter Four of us in the middle of the street, walking to the grocery store at night. Sign on the store window advertising face rump. None of us know what it is, so Beverly immediately yells FACE 𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐏.
derido888 Supporter Nuculear. I think I've detected a Texan.
davisnancy144 Sticks and stones really
Qriist Supporter That was the night I tasted Todd's juicy, succulent meat.
RonGreen1 I recently heard there are only 15 million Jews on the entire planet.
RonGreen1 Arkansas is a bastard child.
davisnancy144 No one gives a fuck about Muslims JEWS
adamhelm Ohio is Midwest. Arkansas is the south
Qriist Supporter I think these regions were named before all the states we have now existed.
FolsomLockdown Supporter Arkansas is considered South Eastern
JQuickDraw Supporter I thought Arkansas was founded when the ancient pirates fought the people of colonial Kansas.
derido888 Supporter I'm going to make it a goal now to get the most mispronunciations possible in the common lexicon. For fun as a hobby.
RonGreen1 There is only one west. And that is the Great Northwest. Any other west is a cheap imitation.
RonGreen1 David Hogg needs to find a girlfriend.😂
Qriist Supporter I have some alternate pronounciations for you, Alex (it's a song):
JQuickDraw Supporter Amen. The US shouldn't be an empire. We shouldn't have bases in almost every country on earth. We shouldn't be sending money and guns to other countries.
RonGreen1 The US should be sending money and guns to every citizen.
JQuickDraw Supporter I love this song.
derido888 Supporter One possibility would be running a telemarketing company with maybe Pakistanis as employees who don't know any better as far as pronunciation. Just call millions of Americans.
Qriist Supporter I have never been so unduly stressed while watching an educational video.
davisnancy144 You need a long one
adamhelm They should still teach Latin in school maybe
Qriist Supporter this might be the one Beverly saw
derido888 Supporter lol, my cat's telling me I should go to bed. Bothered by the noise. "I can't sleep". Well, I suppose I should. Gnite.
RonGreen1 It's all the women's fault. Yeah. That's it.😂
adamhelm Weird men want to paly ball with women.
Qriist Supporter Everything makes more sense when you make the mental connection that "feminist" = "alien lifeform"
Qriist Supporter pretty sure there should be a comma after sex
FolsomLockdown Supporter Damn, almost nailed it, bitch forgot my beer though
blufferbigtime Supporter
derido888 Supporter I remembered I bought a headset with mic from walmart. I'm back.
JQuickDraw Supporter sex silence would be tantric sex.
Qriist Supporter the subject of sex silence comes up and Alex starts stretching her jaw live on stream 🤔
FolsomLockdown Supporter It means you put her in the 4 point and plow her while her face is buried in a pillow
Qriist Supporter Laura Loomer has such a weiiiird face
davisnancy144 Sex bantering
Qriist Supporter I love Trump's *antics*, and the way he's taken a wrecking ball to the faux decorum of the establishment, but Trump himself is whatever.
RonGreen1 I like cheap gas.
JQuickDraw Supporter Loomer's so up on Trump's nuts, it's like she's auditioning to take Melania's place by his side.
derido888 Supporter I like not having new wars every couple years.
davisnancy144 This is the places for guys that are broken up and miss the mindless girls pillow talk
derido888 Supporter My cat for president
davisnancy144 Im in
davisnancy144 She broke the balls
adamhelm That's the Lectern Guy
Qriist Supporter okay, you HAVE to see this headline
adamhelm Ben is wrong thinking he can win a argument with a black chick.
davisnancy144 It is a planned attack on the women to destroy the nuclear family because women are the foundation of the family
RonGreen1 I'm having a mocha. It's never too late for coffee.
JosephLarryBradley it's afternoon here in Siem Reap Cambodia
derido888 Supporter I do have some vanilla cappucino, but don't feel like getting up
derido888 Supporter As far as Ben goes, Candace Owens is sex as hell and very intelligent. So no contest, pr wise he'll always lose.
JosephLarryBradley <Old American, retired here
JosephLarryBradley no rain today, always hot
RonGreen1 Would you like one bullet or two, with your tea.
JosephLarryBradley seventy one before end of year
JosephLarryBradley it's cheap and easy to extend retirement visa without leaving the country
derido888 Supporter Congratulations
JosephLarryBradley compare to Philippines, it's miserable to live there
JosephLarryBradley things are not what you would think
JosephLarryBradley i.e. during all oovid no retired people were asked to vax
adamhelm refuse all tests and call a lawyer
FolsomLockdown Supporter That's the whitest indigenous bitch I've ever seen
RonGreen1 The field tests are to establish probable cause for the arrest.
JosephLarryBradley sorry for spelling... don't see well
JosephLarryBradley have you been anywhere?
davisnancy144 Yep their dropping like flies
adamhelm Good show ladies. You get a follow.
FolsomLockdown Supporter Subscribing, this was fun, make sure y'all hit the plussy
FolsomLockdown Supporter She beat me to mental, and I'm loving the officer trying not to laugh
davisnancy144 I love to hit the pussy
JQuickDraw Supporter I want to watch a show about her.
FolsomLockdown Supporter I refer to the "like button" on Rumble as the plussy, I think that was a mistake for them to change it
davisnancy144 Oooooooo
JQuickDraw Supporter I want to see her at the bakery, at the doctor's office, at the club. I would watch every episode.
RonGreen1 Don't drink and drive. You may have a mental breakdown.😂
FolsomLockdown Supporter But most pussy is faaaaaaaantastic to
FolsomLockdown Supporter She was drinking Bud Light
FolsomLockdown Supporter "I couldn't bake that cake because I'm a man" yeah you're tits say otherwise
davisnancy144 Ya baby
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -
FolsomLockdown Supporter Spoiler alert, it's not the 2nd half of the final season of Demon Slayer, they're taking the AoT final season strategy apparently
RonGreen1 Gnite all 👋
FolsomLockdown Supporter AoT was split into 4 parts for the final season
JQuickDraw Supporter It's not a stream unless Beverly and Alex screw.
derido888 Supporter byee
FolsomLockdown Supporter Evenin lady's
TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Byeeeee!
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