Are YOU the exception to the rule?

11 months ago

🙋🏻‍♀️ Are YOU the exception to the rule?

When it comes to the digestive system, there's always *someone* who is a bit more sensitive. 😉

And actually, I would consider myself to have a sensitive digestive system.

I'm still a little sensitive to gluten and can't overdo that.

And in the past couple years, I've struggled with histamine intolerance and I've had to eat low FODMAP, among other things.

But praise the Lord, all that is on the mend! 🙌🏻

What's the secret?

My "secret" is Eat God's Way.

People who struggle often think that they can't do this or that diet because there are so many things they can't eat.

I hear you and I totally have that gut reaction to most of the "diets" out there.

Most would probably kill me... or at least my stomach!

But not Eat God's Way. 😎

Why? Because it's less about the actual foods and more about...

✅ Using Bible Times cooking methods to make whatever foods you can eat more nutritious and digestible (aka healing) for YOU.

✅ Choosing the best quality whole foods from among those that work for YOU. You don't have to eat the same way as everyone else!

✅ Following simple whole food recipes that you can easily adapt to suit you or family members that need slightly different options. No need to cook separate meals!

I tell you... it's so liberating. 🙏🏻

And delicious. 😋 And healing. 😃

I love our food. I love that I'm healing and getting to eat more of it as time goes by, too.

If you or someone you know struggles with a sensitive digestive system and might want to learn more about Eat God's Way...

I share more about how it works in my Eat God's Way book... plus I give you easy recipes to try out in the companion cookbook. Both books are free. 🥰

To get the free Eat God's Way books, go here:

BTW... Eat God's Way is not a set of rules. We give glory to God and honor His creation by eating foods He designed for our nourishment... with our food sensitivities in mind! 🙏🏻

P.S. These cookies don't bother my tummy in the least... but they used to. Praise the Lord! 🙌🏻

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