All the "research" suggests dark chocolate is good for you.

14 days ago

All the "research" suggests dark chocolate is good for you.

We're encouraged to eat it, especially women.

But here's what happened to me...

(This is just my personal story.)

Several years back, I started having a lot of digestive issues. Chocolate was one of my triggers. It gave me extreme digestive distress.

Yes, me — I was turning to it for a sugar and caffeine boost mid-morning, mid-afternoon... If I was feeling tired, I'd just have some dark chocolate.

This was turning into a vicious cycle.

Yet, might there something else with chocolate going on, too? In addition to the sugar and caffeine addiction?

I believe there is... and it's something most people don't talk about.

It's copper, a metal that is toxic when you have too much of it.

Copper toxicity is an issue that a lot of women struggle with, and most don't even know it.

If a woman has hormone problems, it's likely copper toxicity is a factor.

What's wrong with copper? Just like anything else, too much is too much, and toxicity causes many problems... hormone issues being among the worst!

So what can you do?

Well, one option is using carob! You can bake with it and substitute it 1:1 for cocoa powder. And if you purchase roasted carob powder, it tastes sooooo good.

Personally, I've gotten a lot better in the last 3 years, which happen to coincide with how long I've gone without chocolate and therefore reduced copper intake. My digestive system is WAY better, and my hormones are in better balance, too.

My own experience tells me I'm on the right track! 🙌

Not only me, but others using Eat God's Way are getting on the right track, too!

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FYI Eat God's Way recipes and methods use high-quality, simple whole foods along with cooking methods from Bible Times that save you money and time, while providing nutritious, digestible, and delicious meals and snacks for your family.

God bless you! 🥰

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