Our Best Americans Speak Truth To Power – But No One Wants To Hear Us | The Rob Maness Show EP 270

1 year ago

That’s right, our best Americans are more than willing to speak truth to power. We even have tools today such as X, the platform formerly known as twitter, to speak directly to the powerful. Those in positions of power are either unwilling or intentionally ignoring our warnings. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Milley displays the arrogance of a senior official with power that leads to government downfalls. He rants about being offended for being called on the carpet by our elected representatives because West Point is using Marxist indoctrination to infect the minds of our future Army officers, an existential threat to our Republic. He uses the false narrative of insurrection about January 6th to justify this Marxist indoctrination and proves he is just another useful idiot of the Marxist infiltrators. He ignores our warnings as he defends policies that he knows are hurting our armed forces and the nation.

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