TheDimStream LIVE! Slotherhouse (2023) | Talk to Me (2022) | Teeth (2007)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Chatting about Slotherhouse, Talk to Me, and Teeth. So most definitely will be talking about vaginas.


thrasybulus Who will be unfashionably late tonight?
thrasybulus Have you ladies ever done pre-code horror movies?

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh right, I always forget, we're on Beverly Time, BST (Beverly Standard Time)

TunedToKey Oh you guys started

TunedToKey I just have learned to show up late now

TunedToKey 15 minutes late

TunedToKey Are you licking your fingers before touching each cookie as you frost them?

Egerog HI
thrasybulus The code was put into use mid 1934.

TunedToKey Did you miss the piss smell of Chicago that much that you want to come back?

RonGreen1 Being on time is overrated.
thrasybulus I was not on time, I got here after 21:15.

Egerog more than eggs come out of a chicken
thrasybulus Chi-raq deployment upcoming.

TunedToKey Ohio and Indiana too

TunedToKey Illinois is retarded

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Hello Rumblers

TunedToKey My CCL isn't valid in only a few blue states

TunedToKey Make sure you visit the new tent city in Chicago

TunedToKey ^^^^

TunedToKey Alex hates the outdoors, Beverly

TunedToKey I asked if she would go hiking with me if I ever visited her area, and she said "Eww"

TunedToKey Eww outdoors are yucky, something like that

Egerog wtf

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe people shouldn't live in Arizona. Just sayin

TunedToKey Same with Vegas

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh right, it's a dry heat lol
thrasybulus Reminds me of being at 29 Palms one summer, 130-140 everyday wearing boots & utes, sleeves down.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well I love cooler weather, October Country basically

Guyinroom83 I've just informed Chicago authorities of cross state gun carrying plans.

RonGreen1 Alaska is a paradise. Arizona not so much.

Guyinroom83 @Ron you live in alaska?
Kubuddy that river does get a bit low

RonGreen1 I live in Washington now.
thrasybulus Doctors used to tell people with respiratory problems to move to the desert for the dry air.

TunedToKey Doctors also used to tell people with respiratory issues to switch to light cigarettes
thrasybulus Desert rule: If you are not pissing every two hours you are wrong.

Guyinroom83 does everyone's skin in Arizona look like a crocodile?

TunedToKey Yes

TunedToKey Except Alex since she doesn't go out in the sun
Kubuddy just got here

Egerog I am alergic to dust mites Doc say there are no Dust mites in Denver but i am having issues
Kubuddy well a Halloween river float sounds amazing

Egerog panel say I am alergic to Sage too
Kubuddy lets do it

TunedToKey Crisp autumn air is grear

TunedToKey great

Guyinroom83 It seems like there's barely a fall anymore, maybe 2 weeks of it
thrasybulus @BigDigEnergy opening sequence is running, I'm out soon. I won't see you again unless she ends early.
thrasybulus Night.

Egerog was that buzz on my computer

Egerog why could they just call them North american corcodiels

Guyinroom83 I actually rewatched teeth recently, do you think this is a feminist movie? Every dude is a horrible creep, but idk, bc They also make the girl naive.

Guyinroom83 It's not a very 'horror' movie either to me
Kubuddy idk though, for somethings all or nothing makes sense, i'll never try meth because its sounds like its too good to try and stop lol sex was similar

JQuickDraw Supporter Well people who have premarital sex are always killed in slasher movies. That proves how important it is.

Guyinroom83 Yeah, good point lol. the old guy at the end was more funny than he'd be such a creep at his age

Guyinroom83 really? Is your hometown ok now or did they switch to opioids

Guyinroom83 ADHD Erl? Add?

Guyinroom83 Retardation?

Guyinroom83 My dad would eat PB straight from the jar (despite it being for the whole family) and then id never eat it after that. Don't be him.
Kubuddy to cut the acid

Guyinroom83 Cold brew is fine black though. Has 70% less acid

Guyinroom83 I drink like 4 cups a day

JQuickDraw Supporter I like my meth in the morn, or else I'm forlorn, crystal persuasion, mental abrasion.

Guyinroom83 (of cum)

Guyinroom83 Night groping her
Kubuddy yeah consent has to be enthusiastic

Guyinroom83 @kubuddy why exactly does enthusiastic mean? The word sounds like, jumping for joy lol.

Guyinroom83 ..(what exactly)
Kubuddy if they are actively trying to sleep with you, so if you stopped putting on moves the other party would continue

JQuickDraw Supporter Actually, consent from a woman, legally, now needs to be 1) affirmative 2) enthusiastic 3) continuous and 4) ongoing.
Kubuddy reluctant consent would be they are just laying there or are incapable
Kubuddy agreed on all counts quickdraw

Guyinroom83 that makes sense, but ive heard people say that people that are just 'bad at sex' just lay there though
Kubuddy well then get the enthusiastic consent verbally

Guyinroom83 enthusiastic is a ridiculous word for it
Kubuddy why?

JQuickDraw Supporter You have to keep asking

JQuickDraw Supporter "May I touch you here? Okay, may I kiss you? Okay, may I touch you here?" And so on.
Kubuddy as in all things communication is key

Guyinroom83 yuck.

Guyinroom83 heres the problem with that, one, it's robotic and a big turn off. Also, it makes the guy (or whoever's asking) seem insecure and almost like they've never had sex

Guyinroom83 lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Modern feminism basically believes that human communication is verbally literal. Irony and nuance don't exist for them.

Guyinroom83 that's the thing. the culture says only the guy has to worry about it. how does that work for gay couples then, both have to keep asking?
Kubuddy its not directly asking can I do this all the time, its checking in or asking them to do something
Kubuddy if you already in bed is everything okay then?
Kubuddy disagree, please ask before you put your finger somewhere lol

RonGreen1 It will reach a point that body worn cameras will be needed in bed.

Guyinroom83 yeah I mean, if it's something 'differen't I get asking
Kubuddy lol "normal"

JQuickDraw Supporter This convo reminds me of the recent video of the woman who was complaining because she told a guy she wanted to break up and he was like, "Okay." Then she got mad because she wanted him to try harder.

Guyinroom83 if I don't like something I kind of move/turn around, sometimes say 'no' if they try something I don't like
Kubuddy but also being more open about what gets you off is helpful for everyone

Guyinroom83 make sure you get your consent forms signed! - pc principal

Guyinroom83 south park mocked this whole idea really well, consent forms etc

Guyinroom83 if someone 'sticks a finger' somewhere, I don't think doing that is like, sexual assault. its just trying something that I'd say no to
Kubuddy so they should ask first...

JQuickDraw Supporter I was informed at the beginning of this stream that there would be finger licking. I feel betrayed so far.

Guyinroom83 i mean, i dont mind being asked, but not for everything. thats what I was arguing

JQuickDraw Supporter Sounds from the woman help for sure, but also taking the initiative sometimes and not waiting for things to be done TO you all the time.
Kubuddy okay but Alex, this is a safe space, what turns you on 😂

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Do not ask questions you may not want the answers or are unable to handle the answer

RonGreen1 Women who can make cinnamon french toast is definitely a turn on.

JQuickDraw Supporter Does it have to be cinnamon? Or is regular French toast okay?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ A general understanding of permission to proceed is all that is needed

RonGreen1 The cinnamon clinches the deal.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ how one proceeds is a possibly involved situation

Guyinroom83 @pbeavr this is hate speech. shame. common sense not allowed in our modern times.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I'm a sadidt

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ sadist

Guyinroom83 ....winky woo? or just wink?

Guyinroom83 don't say it 2 more times or he'll show.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ so I expect one to know how I will proceed
Kubuddy if someone is asking too many questions for you, you can speak up at that point and say so, everyone wins

JQuickDraw Supporter Did someone say my name?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ One cannot know what is too hard a pinch or a poke until the one past that point

Guyinroom83 you don't want the guy to be too quick on the draw, for ex. (get it)
Kubuddy yeah BDSM have a negotiation beforehand

Guyinroom83 if I was into BDSM, or hitting etc, I'd want a contract signed with how things are nowadays

Guyinroom83 I seriously don't know how men do that stuff with the environment now

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ the environment is not a concern

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ one just needs to know the person opposite them

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ trust and understanding are key

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ that takes time to develop

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ so no quickies

Guyinroom83 but you never know if the girl will change her mind, lie later etc.

Guyinroom83 yeah, the concern would be if you don't know them long

JQuickDraw Supporter He went from her hoo-ha to her poo-ha.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ or use a ball gag

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ highly effective at censoring

Guyinroom83 Does pbeavr have a bdsm sex dungeon up in dis bitch?

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I have a lodge. Nice and comfy. There may be a separate basement area

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Rumors are as yet not confirmed

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, you can accuse me of horrible acts, up to and including performing a holocaust, just as long as you do it in the Atlantic voice. lol

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ hook up culture is a no go zone

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ or should be

Guyinroom83 Being vulnerable is gayyy.

Guyinroom83 @jquick lol
Kubuddy hook up culture is why you have to be so clear about consent, you don't know their cues

JQuickDraw Supporter It doesn't even makes sense. The one argument FOR hook-up culture is the spontaneity and excitement of it. Forcing the guy to keep asking questions will kill it.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ From beginning to end, life is purely risk management

Guyinroom83 @jquick exactly
Kubuddy no the idea of hookup culture is to get laid, that doesn't mean you are putting your dick in a wall and hoping for the best, questions are good

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Old 80s song said love is a battlefield

Guyinroom83 Risk management, mainly std management

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ now it is trying to have sex is a battlefield

JQuickDraw Supporter Hahaha "Am I raping you? Am I raping you? Am I raping you?"

Guyinroom83 @kubuddy tell that to all the gay men attending orgies

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ body counts are getting high

JQuickDraw Supporter @Kubuddy Hook-up culture is getting laid with someone you just met. Asking questions in one night of contact with that person isn't going to establish enough trust to consider it safe.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ most can build a Spartan wall with theirs

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ The more involved sexual exploration should be reserved to those who spend a great deal of time with each other and discussing various things
Kubuddy @JQuickDraw disagree if i can have an open on honest conversation before hand i'll definitely feel safer

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Toy use. Specific places. Certain positions

Guyinroom83 Hook up culture, and sex work is work go totally against the consent culture

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Pain thresholds

JQuickDraw Supporter @Kubuddy You're fooling yourself. You don't know someone at all after one night with them.
Kubuddy im not saying i do

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ I did no enjoy it when my ass bleeds

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ but I am going to see him again tomorrow

RonGreen1 Hook up culture is going fishing with your best girl.

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Dating apps are not a good way to find someone worth actual time and effort
Kubuddy but if someone can't have an adult conversation about sex before hand i dont want to have sex with them lol
Kubuddy its a low bar that is easy to meet

Guyinroom83 what exactly is an aadult conversation about sex

JQuickDraw Supporter I prefer discussing sex in goo-goo ga-ga baby talk.
Kubuddy what do you like, how rough do you like it? how do you feel about dirty talk?

Guyinroom83 'will you respect my boundaries" i mean, they could say yes and then not respect them anyway. whats the point of asking. it's woke nonsense

Guyinroom83 i do get the how rough do you like it question. thats understandable

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ If you have go out with or have sex with any female you recently met there is always the chance she will freak out and make some accusations

pbeavr Rumble Premium UserSubSupporter++ Whether you actually had sex with them or not

JQuickDraw Supporter Hook up culture is that scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

JQuickDraw Supporter Well I think we need to listen to that famous anatomical song "WAP"

JQuickDraw Supporter "Release that illness! I in-cyst."
Kubuddy well you CAN drain it, it will just refill lol

Guyinroom83 why would anyone know this info

Guyinroom83 dimside drinking game - shot for every gross/weird medical condition

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex on a date, "You know the vagina can have cysts. I brought pics."

Guyinroom83 lol, also, i wouldn't really like 'yes daddy'

Guyinroom83 id almost prefer goo goo gaga

JQuickDraw Supporter I like that Beverly laughs the hardest at the goofy pun joke.

Guyinroom83 ive just turned gay.

Guyinroom83 no, Kuru just makes me hungry.
Kubuddy Guyinroom look up pilonidal cyst get you to go full asexual

Guyinroom83 i had my intestines all taken out. just for fun though bc i was tired of them

JQuickDraw Supporter Well after the surgery, I call them my OUT-testines.

Guyinroom83 i felt like she might have had a vague knowledge of them though and that's why she was so pro abstinence

Guyinroom83 would they get gingivitis down there?

JQuickDraw Supporter "Excuse me, I have to floss." Man grimaces in disgust.

Qriist Supporter NERRRRRDS

Guyinroom83 make sure to leave your gun in the car

JQuickDraw Supporter No finger licking at all on this stream. I feel betrayed.

Qriist Supporter I came to see the best part, where you stop talking. <3
zimvooza :r+radiatingheart:

Guyinroom83 :she will leave the gun in her car:
zimvooza great show

Guyinroom83 dump the body in the trunk though

JQuickDraw Supporter Were you decorating cookies all night? Or something else you can't show for legal reasons?

Guyinroom83 satanic hispanic? not latinx?

JQuickDraw Supporter a bat sound? Covid! Covid! Covid!

RonGreen1 I knew it. Beverly is a vampire.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

Qriist Supporter Have fun on your trip tomorrow!

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -\

JQuickDraw Supporter Batarang cookies, cool. You should try throwing them into peoples' mouths.

RonGreen1 Gnite ladies 👋

Qriist Supporter *POW!*

Qriist Supporter she's gonna lick her fingers while she saves her love for Alex

JQuickDraw Supporter So many parts to clip in this stream.

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