MZTV 1327: What Will Happen To Christians After the 6,000 Years?

1 year ago

Because they hold tightly to Human Free Will and the Trinity, we know that Christians are not believers in Paul's gospel The doctrine of Human Free Will insists that salvation comes, not by Christ, but by one's belief in Christ. And the doctrine of the Trinity, of course, denies the death of Christ—the death of Christ being an essential element of Paul's gospel.

This video deals chiefly with the inspired 2/1 ratio, documenting Scriptural instances of the ratio and applying it prophetically to the nearly 2,000 years that have expired from the time of Christ and the 6,000 years from the creation of Adam.

But what will happen to Christians seven years before the 6,000 years expires and the Tribulation begins? Because they don't believe Paul's gospel, Christians will not be snatched away. Thus, they must endure the trials of the Tribulation.

One important purpose of the Tribulation is to bring Israel to an awareness of her calling. As many of these Christians are remnants of the lost ten tribes of Israel, they gravitate toward the Circumcision gospel. Even those who are not literal sons of Jacob favor James over Paul. They, like Peter, will weep bitterly at the realization that they have betrayed their Lord, worshipping instead a false god their entire lives. But then, like Peter, they will be subsequently enlightened as to the true Christ and strengthened against whatever difficulties the seven years brings.

The rest of Christianity who were merely playing church? Concerning them, it's not exactly as inspiring of an accounts.


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