Jet Force Gemini (N64) Gameplay -No Commentary- | Hyperkin 3-In-1 HDTV Cable |

1 year ago

Jet Force Gemini is a fan favorite for the N64, and I really enjoyed playing through it back in the day. I have never beaten this game thanks to one terrible design choice on Rare's part that has prevented me from fighting the final boss in the game.

In order to fight the final boss and beat the game, you are required to have saved all the little furry Tribal's in the game. So basically, you have to go back and save all the Tribal's in all the levels, and since they respawn, you can't tell which ones you have already saved verses the ones you missed. It basically just brings the entire game to a halt, and you have to go back and replay the entire game whilst saving all the tribals in order to continue. That is why I have never beaten it despite putting 33 hours into it on my main save.

Other than that, I've always really enjoyed this underrated N64 title. This is definitely one of my favorite N64 games. The rest of the game is fun. Was this the inspiration for Ratchet and Clank? I'm not sure, but it is similar in many ways.

#jetforcegemini #n64 #nintendo64

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