
1 year ago

21. 08. 2023. Surdulica

Surdulica je grad i opština u Jugoistočnoj Srbiji, i pripada Pčinjskom okrugu. Smeštena je u podnožju planina Vardenika i Čemernika. Prostor na kome se grad nalazi bio je naseljen još u praistoriji. U Srednjem veku i u doba turske vladavine Surdulica je bila rudarsko naselje i sedište župe Inogošta. Danas je Surdulica savremeno mesto sa oko 11000 stanovnika.

Tokom Prvog svetskog rata Surdulica je postala čuvena kao "Surdulica srpska kosturnica" zbog neviđenog masakra civilnog stanovništva, rodoljuba i intelektualaca Srbije od strane Bugara. U Surdulici je tada zverski ubijeno oko 20.000 najviđenijih Srba.

Nažalost, epitet "Srpska kosturnica", Surdulica ponovo dobija 1999. godine, na pragu 21. veka, za vreme agresije 19 NATO država on FR Yugoslavia. U gotovo svakodnevnom razaranju grada i okoline u kome je, stradalo oko 700 zgrada uključujući tu i bolnicu - "Sanatorijum" za plućne bolesti, gradski vodovod, školu J. J. Zmaj... poginulo je 35 ljudi.

Surdulica is a town and municipality in Southeast Serbia, and belongs to the Pčinja District. It is located at the foot of the Vardenik and Čemernik mountains. The area where the city is located has been inhabited since prehistoric times. In the Middle Ages and during the Ottoman rule, Surdulica was a mining settlement and the seat of the parish of Inogošt. Today, Surdulica is a modern town with about 11,000 inhabitants.

During the First World War, Surdulica became famous as the "Serbian ossuary" because of the unprecedented massacre of the civilian population, patriots and intellectuals of Serbia by the Bulgarians. Around 20,000 prominent Serbs were brutally murdered in Surdulica.

Sadly, Surdulica got the "Serbian ossuary" epithet again in 1999, at the brink of the 21st century, during the aggression of 19 NATO countries on FR Yugoslavia. In the almost daily destruction of the city and its surroundings, in which about 700 buildings perished, including the hospital - the "Sanatorium" for pulmonary diseases, the city's water supply system, the J. J. Zmaj school... 35 people died.

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