Testing Our Place In Christ - 9/17/23

1 year ago

The Lord took us in two directions in this message. Initially, there was a look at the important difference between knowing information, as opposed to actually possessing revelation. There is much going on in the church at large that the Lord desires to address in this area, and some of those points were brought forward in this part of the message.

Then the Lord went after the main thrust of this message, and He began to present different checkpoints for us to use to gauge our personal progress in the journey. It is possible to think that we are actually in the journey, when in fact, we might not have really started the journey, because we have not fulfilled certain conditions that are required in order for us to be in a discipling relationship with the Lord. And then there are other issues, such as believing that we are being dealt with by the cross, when in fact, we might not have actually begun yet because we have not come to the place where we are willing to yield to His Lordship. These are just examples of some of the detail that the Lord presented in this particular message.

But overall, He was reaching out to us to help us make sure of where we stand, and that we are on the real journey moving in the right direction.

Christ The Way Church Website - https://christthewaychurch.com/

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