Dealing With Our Burdens Before the Lord

16 days ago

Last January 2024, the Lord began to speak to us about the fact that carrying burdens would make it hard for us to continue in the journey into Christ. He referenced Jer 17:21 and said that we would not be able to enter thru the gates into the city if we were carrying loads. That, BTW, is the theme behind the cover image for this message depicting the gate(s) into Jerusalem. We know that Jer 17:21 is speaking about doing work on the Sabbath, but in this case the Lord referenced that scripture in regard to being able to make it through the gates into the city, and that carrying our loads (burdens) in a backpack would be a hindrance.

Our culture today has trained us to carry burdens almost perpetually, almost as a normal part of life. But the Lord was making it clear that He desires that we come a point where we learn how to deal with our burdens thru what He has provided to us and that we not continue to carry them. And the reason is..., continuing to carry our burdens instead of giving them to Him thru the help of the Holy Spirit will hinder us in our part of climbing the mountain of God.

We spoke about climbing the mountain of God in the last message on December 29th. This message is not a Pt 2 of that message, but there is a progression of revelation and understanding that will be a part of this message that is intended to help us move forward in our intended journey in this current timeframe, as the events intensify around us.

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