Ep. 203 The Power of Angels in Our Lives

1 year ago

This week we celebrate the feast of the Archangels (including our patron, St. Raphael), followed by the feast of St. Therese and then our Guardian Angels. It’s a real power play.

Angels play an important role in our lives and those of our loved ones. Asking the intercession of the angels can be very fruitful, especially when we ask for help for our loved ones and in many other situations.

So, how do these heavenly messages help us? That’s today’s topic so be sure to tune in!

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Bookmark These Resources:

CatholicTherapists.com Website: https://www.CatholicTherapists.com
Catholic Life Coaches Website: https://www.CatholicLifeCoaches.com
The Raphael Remedy Website: https://www.TheRaphaelRemedy.com
Certified Essential Oils Wellness Coach: https://theraphaelremedy.com/essential-oils

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Allison Ricciardi is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in New York, in practice since 1990. In 2001 Allison founded CatholicTherapists.com, the web’s #1 resource connecting Catholics with faithful Catholic therapists. She is also the director of The Raphael Remedy which offers counseling, coaching and wellness support from an authentically Catholic perspective.

In addition to blogging on her two sites, Allison is a regularly featured contributor on Mind & Spirit. Allison’s unique ability to integrate faith, psychology and common sense has made her a popular guest on radio and television alike.

Grounded in the belief that God made the human person and that the emotions and the spirit are inexorably connected with the physical, Allison also offers wellness support and education as a Certified Essential Oils Wellness Coach. Utilizing God’s natural remedies in nature along with the wisdom revealed through the Scriptures and Church teachings, Allison is better able to address the whole person, body, mind and spirit for true and lasting healing.

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