Pedal Demo BigTone Music Brewery Maggie

4 years ago

The sound of a Fender Vibrato. WhoooAAA. Stop.

That isn't vibrato. Even though it may be written on the faceplate of the amplifiers. Leo Fender got it wrong. It's Tremolo!

An amplitude modulation resulting in periodic fluctuations of volume. That's tremolo.

Magnatone however, had actual vibrato featuring on their models; that is a frequency modulation effect whereby the signal varies in pitch. They even had stereo amplifiers with 2 separate sections and a vibrato that swung between them, moving across the amplifiers and creating a tone that was used by Lonnie Mack, Robert Ward and others too. Unique and easily recognised, this makes the Magnatone 260 and 280 amplifiers much sought after.

The Big Tone Music Brewery Maggie pedal takes its name from the affectionate name for these amplifiers of the late '50's and early '60's -the 'Maggie'.

It features true stereo outputs just like the amplifier and it is this mode I demo here.

I'm using a Gibson Les Paul '57 re-issue and I demo it clean first and then with a Simble overdrive pedal.
Fender Twin Reverb with Rode NT1-A on the left and a Carr Skylark with Shure SM57 on the right.

Listen at 1080p and in stereo for the full effect!

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