1984 Tokai Goldstar Sound and 1983 Fender Japan JV comparison

4 years ago

I borrowed a lovely '80's Tokai from my friend Andy (many thanks!) and did a mild set-up on it for him, so this is a great opportunity to compare two contemporary Japanese products.

Both coming from the period where Fender was left cold-footed by the demand for a historically accurate re-issue of the models from the '50's and early '60's that guitarists craved in the early '80's and had set up the new Fender with Dan Smith at the helm with a view to producing the Fullerton re-issue series that started in the early 1980's.
While they were setting up, they brought in companies in Japan who had been producing the models that so accurately brought back the classics and Fujigen Gakki were employed to produce the Squier brand and the JV series for internal Japanese consumption.

This satisfied the demand for these models until the USA plant could start producing them in quantity.

So here is a sound comparison between 2 of these guitars - the Japanese answer to the classic Fender models.

I'm using a Carr Skylark and attenuator here also.

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