Maui Coincidences? Or Mass Murder Via the U.S Military & W.E.F. It Could Be Us Next Time

1 year ago

Cars incinerated, glass melted, molten aluminum rivers – even cars not in the fire zone surrounded by homes not touched by the fire were.
“Fire can melt glass, however, glass has a melting point of 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit. This means most sources of fire will not burn hot enough to reach that point”. No grass or forest fire gets that hot. An average surface fire on the forest floor…, reach 1471 Degrees Fahrenheit”. All the glass from all the cars and homes was melted.
• Trees and their leaves, not burnt up as they would be in a forest or grass- organic fire. The water sucked out of them by radiation
• Blue things survived as per the physics of Direct, the physics of DEW.
• There is a known Air Force ‘Directed Energy Dictectorate ‘in Maui.
• Many children are missing. Where are they and their parents?
• Perfected siren system turned off.
• People blocked from escaping.
• Metal on boats moored in the ocean disintegrated, wood not burnt.
• No fireboats shooting unending water into the fires.
• Firetrucks could not get in, not alerted in time. Why was there not fire equipment there?
1. Eric West Hawaii Real Estate reporting:
This link is Hawaii R.E. channel, go to his 'videos' and ' community' link for boots on the ground updates: .

2. Robert Brame- Forensic Arborist about the heat and physics
3. The Physics of Direct Energy Weapons and why blue colored things survived.
4. Stand Together Hawaii for information from the Hawaiians:
5. Testimony from a lady who escaped to the North where everyone could have gotten out except they then blocked that exit. Please listen to her:
6. Peggy Hall-The Healthy American is investigating, reporting daily:

7. Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. The Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”

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