Michelle Melenedez Stand Together Hawaii compares Lahaina Fire with current CA Attack.

1 month ago

CA is almost done for now. A massive directed energy weapon fire is burning it up. Many homes lost their fire insurance recently that burned down. Now that land will be up for grabs. This is a repeat of the attack on Lahaina.
We the People are under a horrible dangerous terrible attack.
Please share this widely so we can wake people up. it's almost too late.
Not one leader, Trump, Kennedy, Biden, Vance, none of them has the gutts to expose these attacks. Why don't they? They can't be that stupid. Trump was taken to the Paradise attack fire years ago, he must be stupid to not see that trees did not burn up but metal melted.

Here is the link to Michelle's important book - The Great Maui Landgrab. Now it's the great CA landgrab. https://greatmauilandgrabbook.com

God help us.

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