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Documentary: The Limits to Growth Full. Based on Dennis Meadows/The Club of Rome 1973

1 year ago

Documentary: The Limits to Growth Full. Based on Dennis Meadows/The Club of Rome 1973
The Entire Foundation of their Theory is Complete BS.
They know this Damn Well. The Entire Climate Hoax and Overpopulation Agenda was Fabricated as a Means of Control over the Global Population.
#1: Carbon is Not Pollution, but Organic. All Life is Carbon Based. Life on Earth Could Not Exist Without It.
#2: The Gross Polluters are the Very Ones Causing Damage to our Environment. It is Not the People that are the Problem, But the Industries, Corporations, Bankers and Ruling Elite who have Complete Control Over Global Policy and Industry Itself.
#3: Alternative Clean Energy/Free Energy Technology Exists, but has Been Withheld from Humanity.
#4: The Malthusian Theory of Overpopulation is Complete BS. With Existing Technology we could easily Feed Double of what the current population is.
It would be Easy with the Alternative Energy Technology they have Stolen and Suppressed.
#6: The Goal of Sustainability is a LIE. The True Goal is Depopulation and the Enslavement of the Global Population.
#7: The Idea that the Global Population should Hand Over Control of Everything to the Very Derelicts who caused All of our Problems is the Stupidest and Most Insane Proposal of all ..
If you want to look into the mind of the elites and understand the reasonings behind their insatiable need to reduce the world population, then you should watch this documentary from 1973 called Limits to Growth, which was based on the book written by Dennis Meadows, commissioned by the infamous and depopulation obsessed Club of Rome.
If you're not familiar, Meadows is the man who said the following an interview...
You are the carbon they want to reduce.
"I hope this occurs in a civilized approach. I imply in a non-public approach. A peaceable approach, however peace does not imply everyone seems to be joyful. But it surely does imply that the street has been resolved by different means, not violence, which is what I imply. So there are 7 billion folks proper now however “We’re going to have 1 billion folks. We now have to return down. I hope it occurs slowly and evenly.”
"The planet can support something like 1 billion people, maybe 2 billion depending on how much liberty and how much material consumption you want to have. If you want more liberty and more consumption, you have to have fewer people. And conversely, you can have more people, I mean we could have 8 or 9 billion probably, if we have a strong dictatorship which is smart.
Unfortunately, you never have smart dictatorships. They're always so stupid, but if you had a smart one and a low standard of living.. but....but... we want to have freedom and so we're going to have a billion people, and we're now at 7, so we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow, and that it can be done in a way which is relatively equal, so that people share the experience and you don't have a few rich trying to force everybody else to deal with it"
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