Civil Rights: Proximal Origins

1 year ago

Progressive Judge Thanks Internationally Notorious Porn Tab Guy for the Education?

FOB FREEDOM, September 15, 2023] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

According to Arlington Public School (APS) Board Member David Priddy, a proud Wakefield Warrior in the “Vertical Transporation Industry”, what he enjoys most is having those “difficult conversations”, and, if 86% of the Class of 2022 in APS had failed to gain acceptance to Howard University, and the Wakefield Warriors went 0 for 36 against the Washington & Lee Generals, while apparently a total of 86 APS, despite community core values that had changed the name of a local high school, dividing a community, with the noble exception of the Arlington NAACP, which did not learn of the entire situation until months after it had occurred, like slaves in Galveston hearing the news about the Emancipation Proclamation in June 1865, now a nationally recognized holiday, still wanted to attend a school with an offensive name, or perhaps like some law school students in 2014, thought the Lee was some other Lee, like Sarah Lee, he probably has his fill of difficult conversations. And, one day when he makes it big in the elevator game, “Whose the Priddy Baby” may even air condition his whole residence, says one not a serious option fringe independent. But during one surprising moment during the Motions Day Hearing on Wednesday at the Alexandria Circuit Court, some are still quite struck in amazement, nearly speechless, after a jurist had announced before the court his appreciation to Major Mike Webb “for the education.”

“Well, Howard, like the time that Fonzie Lopez had told me at the Glebe Road Post Office that he admired and appreciated my commitment to civil rights, I have to say it was a great surprise and shock to actually hear a judge say I gave him an education. Perhaps not everything I say is inscrutable, as they say. However, it certainly did not alter the result, because our case still got dismissed, and we still got banned from presenting pleadings at the court, and our Charles Severance Coronavirus remains at large, ready to kill, again, until we can get some math tutors to explain what five percent means to our Einsteins in Alexandria looking for Sasquatch, aliens and other paranormal phenomena. Although if you have a problem with percentages, there is probably a lot that is a phenomenon for you,” laughed Major Mike Webb.

And, in his free time, when not out knocking on doors in a campaign for the state legislature, submitting FOIAs to various agencies, commencing “vexatious and frivolous” lawsuits against “an amalgamated assortment of various defendants”, probably like most folks, he is on social media producing educational videos. And, after a novel coronavirus apparently bigger than God had closed churches that had declared themselves nonessential during a pandemic that has been attributed to more fatalities than the Holocaust in half the time, the “ever-interesting Mike Webb”, described by the President as “passionate” has turned his thoughts to the proximal origin of civil rights, particularly the question of the source of law for these alleged civil and human rights, in the absence of a Creator who had endowed them, at least according to one primary source document for the government of the people, by the people and for the people that shall not perish from the earth, maybe even before global climate change, melting polar caps and greenhouse gases cause the extinction of mankind, not to mention pandemic viruses of unknown origin.

“Remember Father Guido Sarducci’s five-minute college? Well, let’s just say that most of this ain’t exactly rocket science—wait? I had no problem trying to get into Harvard, or being an Airborne Ranger. Okay. Like those attorney commercials, results may differ on a case by case basis, depending upon the strength of your case. Did you say derogated Preamble rights? Have I got two attorneys for you,” laughed Webb.

Senator Ted Cruz, who had been featured in a Rolling Stone story with the Number Two porn tab guy in the entire world, sandwiched between two former members of British Parliament had told attendees at CPAC a few years ago, before a pandemic, that research scientists had decided to replace lab rats with attorneys, because apparently there are some things that not even lab rats will do, but officials at DIA and UNC Chapel Hill could neither confirm nor deny that there was any truth to that claim.

Note: grandiosity is a classic sign of bipolar disorder, and we don't want to hurt his feelings lest he go to “that place”, so familiar to Arlington Public School Board Member, Latina Cristina Torres-Diaz.

Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim-cherry. A pandemic agent as lucky can be. Chim-chimera. Chim-chimera. Chim-chim--achoo. The luck'll rub off when I bump fists with you. Or blow me a kiss, and catch COVID-2.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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