MZTV 1300: Don't Even Eat With a Brother or Sister Who Believes in Eternal Torment

1 year ago

Paul told the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 5:12, "Judge those within!" Concerning the man who was committing adultery with his step-mother, Paul instructed the Corinthians to not even eat with the man until they had adjusted his behavior. They were then to restore him to fellowship.

Additional revelation: I have said for years that the doctrine of Eternal Torment's main purpose (being a doctrine of demons of the first order) was to drive people by the billions into Free Will. This is because Free Will is idolatry that puts SELF on the throne of God. It is the sin of self-righteousness.

The sin of self-righteousness is worse than any other sin, including prostitution, murder, adultery, or believing in eternal torment. That's right. Eternal torment, BY ITSELF, is another sin that God overlooks (because of the recognition that Christ died for it) for membership in the body of Christ.

But the sin of SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS is why the prostitutes would enter the kingdom before the priests: SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS IS DEADLY, and it is manifest in the teaching of Human Free Will. Self-righteousness is deadly in that it prevents one from realizing the righteousness of God, which is the most important belief belonging to eonian life IN BOTH EVANGELS.


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