Fisherman's Bastion and Matthias Church in Budapest

7 years ago

If you're a fan of neo-Gothic or neo-Romanesque architecture, you're going to love this. Built in 1902 by Frigyes Schulek, the Fisherman's Bastion (Halaszbastya) is a Gothic Revival masterpiece. The Bastion's terrace gives a stunning view of the Pest part of Budapest, along with all of the beautiful bridges on the Danube River.

If this architecture oeuvre d'art isn't beautiful enough, it is complimented by the Matthias Church just a few feet away. The pop of color on the church's roof tiles is what sets the whole building apart from the others surrounding it.

As you can see from the video, the terrace of the Bastion can also be used for weddings, and during our visit of this historical landmark, some lucky couple has decided to pledge their love right in front of the tourists. So sweet!

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