Learning How to Breathe Deeply and Quickly - FluteTips 176

1 year ago

How are your quick breaths in the middle of a piece? Do you always take a deep full breath that fills up your support every single time?

It is difficult to train yourself to take a deep breath in the middle of a piece. We can often take a really good breath at the beginning of the piece, or after a long rest. But it is much harder to take that deep full open throat breath as you are playing. Especially when you are moving really fast, and you have only a split second to take that breath.

Deep breathing is necessary to create the air pressure that enables you to create a good tone. In this video, I will teach you how to practice taking that type of breath in the middle of a piece so that every single time you need a breath, whether slow or fast, it is always the right breath to help you play well.

Here are links to the headjoint and flute demonstrated in this video:

Hernández Flute Headjoints
Julio Hernández Flute Headjoint - .935 Silver headjoint, grenadilla lip plate and crown, oval cut embouchure hole, high lip plate. Made in Spain.

William S. Haynes Custom Handmade Silver Flute
All silver tubing, mechanism, tone holes, rings, ribs, and posts; lightweight pinless mechanism, soldered tone holes, French (open hole) model, pointed style key arms, gold springs, .016” standard wall tubing, inline G key, split-E mechanism, C# trill key, D# roller, and B footjoint. Handmade in USA.

If you're interested in setting up a flute trial, please consider the Flute Center and tell them I sent you (Code: DrFlute) to get some extras for free.

To start your flute trial, you'll first want to go to flutecenter.com and fill out the form. Here’s the link:

Then put my code: “DrFlute” in the box labeled “Influencer Code.”

This code gives you these extras with some exceptions:
*3 extra days to try your flute – that’s a 10-day trial instead of only 7 days
*6 extra months of warranty on your new flute – that’s 18 months instead of only 12 months
*Free Shipping of up to three flutes, piccolos, and/or headjoints at a time for trial!
*10% off sheet music
*Free domestic shipping on instrument purchases

Plus, when you purchase a new flute using my code, the Flute Center will pay me a small commission.
Thank you!

Learning How to Breathe Deeply and Quickly - FluteTips 176


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#DoctorFlute #FluteTips #HernándezFlutes


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