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Mike Balloun teaches today. 08/12/23
VERSES: Matthew 13:31-33, 25:14-30; 2nd Timothy 3:1-9
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Both these texts speak to this time we live in which had become corrupted by the time the Apostolic Age ended…
“Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” [Matthew 13:31-33]
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their's also was.” [2nd Timothy 3:1-9]
Eschatology is that great part of Biblical knowledge that deals with the end of this current 2000-year-old Age, with death and judgement, with the Heavens and Hades/the intermediate place of the dead, and the eternal state.
The word of extreme importance for the deliverance of today’s leavened Christian with a sincere heart that is being advanced in these exposés, is the clear understanding of the prophesied great deceiving leavening effect upon the early Church, after the Apostles would pass, until the whole of sanctifying Church theology was corrupted. That specific forewarning prophecy to the Church, beginning with Christ and echoed by the Apostles, sadly culminated in the 4th Century (300 AD to 399 AD) with continuing edicts of the Roman Emperor that effectively caused the ‘Church’ to be amalgamated into Babylonian Paganism wherein she is now today unwittingly, comfortably, and apathetically entrenched.
Apostolic Truth’s guiding hand to the early Church, in regards to true eschatology, was that the redeemed (having the gift of eternal life) who were true witnesses of Christ, could rightly have faith-filled anticipation of an inheritance in Christ’s future Kingdom. This early Church understanding was that the promise of regality in His Future Kingdom at His Second Coming was attained through overcoming the World and satan in Christlike righteous behavior. This true eschatology filled the early Church mightily with selfless willingness to suffer in the crucifixion of the flesh/carnal soul in pure, consecrated, obedient service to Christ for about 300 years. Until a number of notable pagan ‘tares’ rose up among the wheat with corrupting doctrinal “leaven” to remove or pervert the “Kingdom of (this) heavens” inheritance from the Apostolic Message. See Matthew 13:33… “Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.” Here is the verse with commentary… “a woman (Mystery, Babylonian harlotry system) “hid (the Greek implies that it was hid stealthily) in (God’s Word of King and Kingdom Truth) three measures” (over a period of time) “…till the whole (theological/religious belief system… of the Church) was leavened”. This happened during the 100 years of the 4th Century. (For more on the leavening by Mystery, Babylon see the following books, ‘The Holy Roman Empire” by James Bryce; ‘The Organization of the Early Christian Churches” by Edwin Hatch; ‘The Two Babylons’ by Alexander Hislop. See also ‘The Church, the Churches, and the Mysteries” and “Mystery Babylon the Great and the Mysteries and Catholicism”, both written by G.H. Pember.)
The nominal Church chose to follow the path of least resistance when the Roman/Babylonian system held forth the olive branch of acceptability offered by Constantine, the Emperor of Rome. They chose, what turned out to be, paganized Christianity in compromising self-preservation over further suffering and persecution as true witnesses of the only God and His Redeeming Christ and returning King Who is coming to reward His faithful and punish His enemies and establish His greater Kingdom on the Earth.
The challenge presently is to shed light on the continuation of the Church’s corrupted eschatological belief system of the 4th Century in order to awaken the deceived redeemed from the leavened lukewarm religious state and come out of Mystery, Babylon, and live a life commensurate to attaining the Kingdom inheritance and escape Mystery, Babylon’s judgements. Judgements every generation of leavened Christians will experience, not just those who are alive drinking of Her cup at the time of His Return, but all the redeemed of Christ throughout the generations since His First Coming, who lived a life reflective of Her leaven and refused to come out of Her during their lives. These will face judgements in accordance to Her sins, and they will lose eternal life glory, albeit they will retain their gift of eternal life once every farthing due to God by them is paid. This Babylonian system is a lying, thieving, corrupted secular and religious system purposefully designed to steal the redeemed Christian’s inheritance in the regal part of the literal Millennial Kingdom of Christ, in the revitalization of this Realm’s heaven and earth, which is a work of Christ’s to begin at His Return. This inheritance is being stolen right out from under the noses of the apathetic redeemed deceived Laodicean religious, leaving only the frightful judgements for unfaithful service behind. This message of awakening the sleepy-headed lukewarm Christian is the most relevant and important thing that Christians will be confronted with in their lives. It’s not a popular message, in fact the birds (a type for demons) are lined up to immediately devour and steal away the seed so that it will not take root on fertile soil.
The Kingdom of heavens ruling in God’s Theocratic Government is Scripture’s doctrinal great common denominator that flows from Genesis and the Old Testament through the New Testament Book of Revelation (read and compare Genesis 1:28 and Exodus 19:3-6 with 1st Peter 2:9 and Revelation 20:4-6 and note the regality and the charge to take dominion as kings and priests associated with the inheritance of the Nation of the One New Man in Christ). It is this Message of Man’s right of royalty proclaimed by God that is encapsulated in the Word of Genesis 3:15 and perceived by the enemy. Satan then designed the lethal corrupting ‘system’ of Babel/Babylon for the disqualifying of Man from that Kingdom as its chief target (which was brought out in the previous lesson). “There is no new thing under the sun.” As it was with what happened with Adam and Eve, and then with Israel, satan’s plan continues… God appoints, the devil deceives, and God’s people disqualify themselves. So those in the Church today do the same. He has had much success with this strategy. It hasn’t changed. It’s been reshaped and reformed and given a lot of bells and whistles, especially at the time of Nimrod and his wife, but it’s still the same program of disqualifying the ‘seed of man’ from regality and taking authority in this (his) Realm. His purpose in leavening this message of inheritance is to keep us from God’s purpose for us, which is to replace him and those that currently rule with him.
Religious Babylonian Paganism mixed into Christian foundational doctrines perverted the Truth of God’s salvation plan (which is to say that after a man was redeemed, there was the further necessity for spiritual maturity unto overcoming of the flesh, the World ,and satan in order to qualify to rule in resurrected regality). This perversion of truth, for the most part, came over that period of 100 years during the 4th Century, which involved key human players; starting with the Roman Emperor Constantine, who hid the first measure of religious paganism into nominal Christianity… to Augustine (354AD to 430AD) who assimilated Roman/Babylonian paganism into Christian Church theology.
So it was (as any sincere seeker of Truth may find out) that the leavened theology of the 4th Century departed from the guiding hand of Apostolic foundational Written Truths. And the leavening has continued over this long Age of eschatology (that Age being from the time of Constantine until now). The Paganized Church expanded quickly in its state of mixed pagan darkened understanding, and as then, so today, it still adheres to and promotes deceiving and disqualifying eschatological beliefs to the Redeemed Christian through false, misleading, paganized doctrinal lies concerning; ‘where the soul goes at the death of the body’… of ‘works’… of a corrupted understanding of ‘the heavens, Hades, and Hell’… of ‘eternal life’… of the ‘First Resurrection’… and ‘the Millennial reign of Christ’. Satan’s continued misdirecting and leavening evolved when further development in darkness came out of Martin Luther’s protesting of the ‘Church’ doctrine and practice of “works” unto redemption and eternal life, proclaiming that the Written Word of God declares it is by His “grace only” that the Lost/unredeemed are justified and sanctified before Him. Ushering in what is referred to as the ‘Reformation’ in the 16th Century. This leavened Truth of ‘Grace only’ (being a true fact in regards to our justification, but only a half-truth in God’s salvation plan, in that we are responsible for walking in sanctification) of the Protestant/protesting ones, had but little un-leavening effect on the Paganized Church (the Catholic Church being the only Church at the time). In that the ‘freed’ protesting ones defiantly moved from one leavened doctrinal ditch of religious ‘works only’ and raced blindly over Scriptural Truth to the other leavened doctrinal ditch of religious ‘grace only’. In that Luther rightly protested on justification by faith in God’s grace only with the gift of eternal life… yet at the same time, he failed in knowledge or at least to express the doctrinal verities of Scripture on the punishment due to the servants of Christ for ‘works’ or lack thereof on the faithless redeemed and also in regards to the “prize” for ‘works’ of service on the faithful servants of Christ.
Luther didn’t understand the accounting which all the redeemed shall be called to at Christ’s Judgement Bema where exacting recompense for good and evil ‘works’ will be justly carried out to the last farthing. And where determination for a select worthiness for the First-fruits rapture and the First Resurrection in the literal Millennial Kingdom inheritance will be discovered or lost. And furthermore, Luther (and all those who bought into the ‘grace only’ message such as Calvinists and Arminianists) did not protest the paganized Church on its false eschatology, but in their ‘Grace Only’ declaration ,fractured that one corrupted Church into multiple yet still corrupted new ’denominational’ groups.
The Mystery, Babylonian Harlotry continued unimpeded, perpetuating the disqualifying leavening darkness of Paganism that cleverly masqueraded and maneuvered among the presumed sincere ‘brilliant’ (but blind) religious men in maintaining the redeemed man in spiritual darkness to essential foundational understanding of the Scriptures. That being of God’s Salvation Plan of Man’s spirit, soul, and body, through the redeemed spirit/Spirit-led overcoming worthiness, united again together in a Resurrection glorious spiritual form, as the New Creature, who would then rule with His Son in His Kingdom in a Theocratic Government in this Realm for a 1000 years.
So it was that the ‘reformation’ leaders did not actually reform the leavened Babylonianized Church, but just created a paralleling ‘Grace Only’ tributary flowing alongside, dumping in the same sea of disqualifying unbelief. It was not until the 19th Century into the early 20th Century that the Truth of Biblical first century Apostolic Eschatology began to marvelously be set forth again by many notable Godly authors and ministers who left denominations and committed to go back to Biblical unleavened understandings conveyed from the earliest writings of Scripture in their original recorded languages.
Yet misconceptions in the Church still prevail, like the wide un-passable chasm in Hades, and will according to Scripture right up to the Second Coming, just as they did at the First Coming. And the large portion of the Body of Christ will be taken in utter surprise. As were the Antediluvians (those who lived at the time of Noah before the Flood) at the close of their 120 years of scoffing. Or surprised like Lot’s remaining family members on the day of his departure beginning the day just like any other; proceeding as usual down the streets of Sodom, who then suddenly cast a terrifying glance upward as the fiery hailstones began to thump upon ground and roof. How sadly late will the importance of the unleavened Truth be of “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues” be to today’s apathetic Christian. The Word says, “Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp (of Paganized Christianity) bearing His reproach.” [Hebrews 13:13] To the one that believes they aren’t in the ‘camp’ because they do not go to Church, recognize that this thinking is just another deceiving lie to make you think that you are not of the Babylonian Whore’s system. That paganized understanding probably prevails in your thinking, otherwise you’d be seeking the pureness of the Truth and not just apathetically saying, ‘Well, I don’t go to church so I’m not in danger of taking of Her plagues’.
After seeing the big picture from Genesis to Revelation, the Babylonian system’s intent is to: 1.) keep men from being redeemed and 2.) even more importantly, to keep redeemed men from seeing the Call of God to rule in this Realm. The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth developed many alternative religions for Man to align themselves with, to keep them in the first place from being God’s redeemed. As it is only the redeemed of God who can then be called to rule with Him in His coming Kingdom.
When a man is born again, he becomes an heir; but heirs do not inherit until they come of age. (Galatians 4:1-2) And even then, along the way of life, he may disinherit himself by misconduct. Only those who spiritually mature beyond mere ‘babes’ of redemption, who grow in selfless Christlikeness, will come into the inheritance. (Romans 8:17, Acts 20:32) (A doctrine of Truth typed by the children of Israel redeemed out of Egypt and all heirs of the promised land, yet only a few went in.)
So it became necessary to deter God’s redeemed in the Earth from their inheritance by way of their disqualifying themselves by introducing false corrupting doctrines into God’s Written Word. What is disqualifying today’s redeemed is his own false doctrinal beliefs that deter him from answering the call to the literal coming Kingdom of Christ to this Realm. And every false view set forth from the ‘Church’ (essentially two groups; Catholic or Protestant, two birds of the same feather) is designed for one purpose only; to maintain a religious doctrinal barrier to keep the redeemed out of hearing or answering the Kingdom inheritance call. Leavened, unscriptural doctrines from the 4th Century to the 21st Century must by necessity touch all doctrines. It is an intermingled web of deception.
In the 4th Century, the Roman/Babylonian Paganized Church was formed. This is an easy assessment, given that in the historic Nicaean Council, Constantine determined what a Christian should believe or suffer death. Imagine that! A pagan Roman Emperor had risen to the place where he commanded what you should believe with the threat of death if you didn’t. That’s the foundational platform on which the paganized Church began! Immediately, the Roman/Babylonian Emperor essentially became the Head of the Church, ruling on its Theology. Babel, in answer to its immediate concern, effectively mixed Christianity into their 2-part deceiving system which was set up in Babel; secular and religious. And in that amalgamation, the fallen spirits accomplished primarily through one man, the Church ‘catholic’/universal in its corruption, which was spewed from the mouth of the Lord, but yet found its beginnings in the New Testament Church in the 4th Century and thrived for centuries in Europe, and still thrives today now Worldwide. (Matthew 13:31-32) In the one massive group, its Babel-mixed fully leavened theological doctrines centered/centers around external ‘works’ for Eternal Life coupled with a fully leavened eschatology, and in the other large group the half-truth of “Grace Only” for the gift of Eternal Life (that includes the ‘gift’ of glory without works) rules the theological landscape with its similar corrupted eschatology.
We begin with a summary of the Theological eschatology of Catholics today, adapted from the “United States Catholic Catechism for Adults”:
When the Redeemed ask sincere questions, this is their response… (our comments in parenthesis)…
“Question: I would really like to know the Truth as to what happens to us (redeemed) after we die?
Answer: Our Church (Catholic) teaches that immediately after death, our soul separates from our earthly body and we stand before God for judgement. We then enter (the) heaven, Purgatory or hell (eternal lake of fire). (The) Heaven is the ultimate end and fulfillment of the deepest human longings, the state of supreme, definitive happiness. Those who are free from all sin (purged by Mass) enter heaven immediately. Purgatory (in Hades in the center of the Earth) is a place of purification, for those who die in a state of grace and friendship (redeemed) with God but who are not yet fully purified. Those in Purgatory are assured a place in (the) heaven after their purification. We pray for those in Purgatory, that they may soon be with God in (the) heaven. Hell is for those who have willingly chosen to reject God and his love. If we persist in a state of serious sin, we damn ourselves to hell (the eternal Lake of Fire).
At the end of time (after the prevailing of the Catholic Church in this World), our Lord will come again (to this Realm) to judge the living and the dead. All souls will be rejoined with their bodies (at this time), and those in Purgatory will be joined to the blessed in (the) heaven. The Last Judgement will reveal that God’s justice triumphs over all the injustices committed by his creatures and that God’s love is stronger than death.”
In answer to the 4th Century Catholic Church’s external ‘works’ for ‘salvation’ doctrine and its wicked and oppressive leavened Biblical doctrines and practices (made evident in the murderous precedent of its first ‘Pope’/Constantine and its well-documented history), Protestants/protesting ones came forth in the 16th Century, religiously and defiantly, with their equally leavening doctrine.
At the heart of their revolutionary protesting was their re-defining of the meaning of Truth’s declaration of being ‘saved’/having “Eternal/everlasting life” by grace only (through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God’s grace only; without ‘works’). So it was/is, having not come into any further light on Truth’s meaning of “Eternal/everlasting Life” it was/is taught by false teachers today as an all-inclusive Scriptural term (in that they say if you are redeemed, you inherit the fullness of God’s ‘Salvation Plan’, regardless of your walk). But Scriptural Truth holds forth a two-fold meaning for God’s salvation of Man: in that “Eternal/everlasting “Life” has two different applications; that of Duration and Quality. And this Truth should be understood in conjunction with God’s ‘Millennial Kingdom’ inheritance Truth that has also a dual application; that of a ‘heavenly’ part and an ‘Earthly’ part.
Eternal (everlasting) ‘Life’ having to do with God’s gift (Romans 8:15) by imputation to all His redeemed children and the other application, which is Quality ‘Eternal ‘Life’ plus Glorious ‘Life’; having to do exclusively with God’s “reward”/“prize” endowed to first-born sons. (Philippians 3, Luke 20:35, Romans 8:29-30, Colossians 1:27; 3:24)
Eternal ‘Life’ having to do with justification/merely redeemed children or “babes” (Hebrews 5:13-14) and Quality ‘Eternal ‘Life’ plus Glorious “Life’ having to do with sanctification/spiritual maturity of the redeemed found worthy of the inheritance as ‘first-born sons’/ joint heirs with Christ; the First Born. (Romans 8:17, 1st Peter 2:2, John 17:17)
Eternal ‘Life’ having to do with forgiveness of guilt for inherent Adamic sin in the renewal of the spirit; (Romans 5:12)… Quality ‘Eternal ‘Life’ plus Glorious ‘Life’ having to do with reward for the redeemed/rebirth of the spirit who went on in the overcoming of the sin nature inherent in the soul unto a son of God. (Romans 8:1-14)
When and if “Eternal Life” and “Eternal Life plus Glorious Life” are joined together in the soul (1st Corinthians 15), it will be at the appointed time of the 7-year Great Tribulation, in the catching up of the faithful living and also at the First Resurrection out from among the dead, as a part of Christ’s Return to this Realm in the End of this Age. (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17) That united ‘Life’ realization will have been as a result of recompense of ‘reward’ for ‘works’ after redemption by the sanctifying Word of Truth (John 17), and for having lived on the Earth in sanctified faithful service to Christ. This being determined at Christ’s Judgement Seat that all the redeemed must answer to. “Eternal Life and Eternal Life plus Glorious Life” united together equal= God’s “Great Salvation” Plan; that of Man ruling in regality as First Born Son/sons, and replacing Angels/angels as the ruling authorities in this Realm; its ‘heavenly’ and ‘Earthly’ parts of His Coming Millennial Kingdom. (Hebrews 2:3 with 3:1)
Babel’s system was designed by the fallen ruling spirits to remove the threat of this invasion in their ancient and present Kingdom (the Earth and its heaven) by a qualified Man. That qualifying of a people to rule in this Realm is to be found in Scripture’s redemption of the Nation of Israel and their Call to holiness. A Nation that was disqualified in its being incorporated into Mystery, Babylon through its leavening of God’s Truth. Later, it was not difficult for the fallen spirits to adapt into the New Testament the religious leavened view of the Torah by the Jew, the root of Judaism’s unbelief, that being a prideful righteousness of their own making; the assertion and presumption of God’s Kingdom inheritance (Genesis 15:7) entirely based upon their lineage from Abraham. It wasn’t hard for the spirits to cleverly interject the same like corrupting teaching of an all-inclusiveness in the lineage of Christ; an imputed righteousness, having received both justification and sanctification with Eternal life and Eternal glory entirely based on being redeemed into the ‘lineage of Jesus Christ’. (Revelation 3:14-22) As effective as it was with Israel before, this removed the necessity of the redeemed to be practically holy. The embracing of this fatal leavening doctrine, is to reject these clear Scriptural distinctions (along with others yet to be mentioned). This Roman/Babylonian Harlot system teaching has stolen the heritage of millions of God’s merely redeemed, who then must also answer, and be accountable at the Judgement Seat of Christ for what they did with Redemption’s gift/ “talent/pound.” (Matthew 25:14-30)
The sincere redeemed of the Lord among this group also darkened in spiritual Babylon (Protestants) also ask the question: “I would really like to know what happens to me at death? And Mystery, Babylon answers: “When you die as a born-again Christian, you are made perfect in holiness and do immediately pass into glory and go to Heaven to be forever with the Lord.”
This being a hodgepodge of religious tares’ teaching on the afterlife without Scriptural Truth basis (the afterlife eschatological Truth of Scripture will be addressed more thoroughly shortly in a future lesson). One of the foremost teachers of that time (the 16th Century) in the beginning of that ‘protesting tributary’, from whom an entire denomination of the redeemed was formed, wrote: “It is therefore as absurd and unsuitable that they, the righteous (merely redeemed), should do good works, as if they were to say God should do good, the sun should shine, the pear-tree should bring forth pears, three and seven should make ten, as all this ensues of necessity of the case from the nature of the thing.” This leavened doctrine is; that by imputation of Christ’s righteousness (they, in great error, apply it to mean; both justification and sanctification) to the merely redeemed without any consideration of ‘works’, that all God’s salvation plan for Man is secured!!! (This smacks of religious retaliation exegesis for the Catholic Church’s long oppressive heresy.) Nevertheless, this is a complete rejection of Christ’s exhorting Words to His Church; in the necessity of overcoming the disqualifying carnality in the soul for inheritance in His glorious eternal life. (See Revelation 2&3, the guts of the doctrine of the Book of James and the Book of Hebrews, and Christ’s personal excluding Words to the redeemed relative to the Kingdom inheritance in Matthew Chapters 5-8; and also Romans Chapters 5-8.) This is still drinking from the deceiving cup of Mystery, Babylon, in designed spiritual darkness, having left the Apostolic established Truths and Eschatology of the first century in understanding the fullness of the Salvation Plan of God.
The religious doctrinal lie promoted by Mystery, Babylon through the ‘Old Man’ within every redeemed person, whose fallen nature is akin to it (it being exceedingly sinful), cannot clearly be discerned because the redeemed person fails to differentiate in his mind the Old Man interjecting into his reasoning from that of the voice of Truth. Unfortunately, the New Man’s reasoning is un-renewed to the Word of God; so he grabs onto the false doctrine “Grace Only” Message, which appeals to the Old Man’s nature of wanting no accountability, with joy and rejoicing. (Because of this lying religious reasoning being received as ‘Truth’, the redeemed is deceived from the necessity of ‘suffering’ with Christ and overcoming the Sin Nature within, the World, and satan in qualifying worthiness to rule in the Coming Kingdom in the deceivers’ stead). Those purveyors of this false doctrine say that ‘Christ has already done it for the Redeemed!!!’ ‘He suffered so you would not have to suffer!’ ‘He overcame so you would not have to overcome!’ ‘He rules from Heaven over the World and when you die, you will be made perfect in holiness glory and will immediately go to Heaven and rule with Him forever!' This is lethal leavened doctrine.
All Religious corrupting leaven, no matter what doctrinal falsehood, or from which denomination in came forth (as they are all eating out of the same corrupted pasture and all are flowing from the same tributary), work together unanimously for one purpose; to dissuade man from Truth in God’s Salvation Plan’s purpose; that of an attained worthiness for ruling regality. (1st Peter 2:9 with Philippians 2:12-13)
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