Article Video - About Your Courts - Tuesday, August 8, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - About Your Courts - Tuesday, August 8, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

One of the red-herring issues we have had to fight is the idea that the "missing" Article III Courts mentioned in the Constitutions are the key to fixing our wrecked judicial system.

People think: our courts are missing, and these courts are missing, and therefore, they must be our missing courts....

Not so. The Article III Courts are Federal Courts of limited jurisdiction that used to be administered by the vacated Federal Republic and served by the Federal Marshals.

The only Article III Court still functioning is the Federal Claims Court.

Some of the functions that the Article III Courts once handled are now handled by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia.

So you can stop looking for the "missing" Article III Courts.

They will be restored once the Confederation of States and Federal Republic are restored, but even then, they won't be able to fix the justice system.

The answer to that lies much closer to home, with your own State Courts, which have been largely vacated since 1965.

People have been mistaking "State of State" Courts for State Courts, but look sharp.

The "Superior Court of the State of Nevada" is not the same as the "Superior Court of Nevada".

Your State Courts are courts of "general jurisdiction".

This means you can investigate anything you want and pretty much address any situation that causes injury to people or property.

There is only one caveat: you, yourselves, must each declare, record, and publish your birthright political status, form your State Assembly, and out of the ranks of your General Assembly membership, organize your Jural Assembly to staff and administer your State Courts and provide the Jury Pool for them.

This is the only way you can guarantee yourselves a jury of your peers.

The Jural Assembly is one of the Four Pillars of each State Assembly and for some reason, it has proven to be the hardest one to organize. People are stymied by the prospect of running their own courts, but it has to be done, and we are helped because our courts are extremely simple compared to the foreign courts we are used to.

Our own State Courts are the "missing courts" and their absence is what has allowed the court system to become a mockery.

I have suggested two handy guidebooks to help Assembly members with the basic education needed to set up their State Courts.

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