Article Video - As Things Stand on August 5th 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Article Video - As Things Stand on August 5th 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

I talk to people every day who are having a tough time wrapping their heads around the world they are living in. I sympathize.

The only lawful government in The United States is represented by the living people standing in their State Assemblies in each State of the Union.

Neither the British Territorial United States Government operated as a District of Columbia Municipal Corporation nor the City of Rome Municipal Corporation operating the Municipal United States Government have the nature and structure required to function as a lawful government of our nation-states nor our country as a whole.

All the Principals involved have known this for more than 160 years, so it's not any new news for the Pope or the King or the Lord Mayor.

25 years ago, my husband and I realized that the IRS was a privateering scam and everything else has unravelled from there.

We realized that certain bankers and politicians and captains of industry were intent on declaring our entire country to be "vacated" and abandoned property --- ripe for the taking.

We also realized that the corporations posing as the "government" were foreign subcontractors in the business of providing governmental services.

It took time to organize a response and prosecute it, but we did the work. In the course of doing all the research and making the efforts involved, we learned that our country wasn't the only victim of this False Claim on Abandonment scheme.

So we expanded our efforts to safeguard our own country to the other victims of the same con artists.

As things stand, I set up my Proper Name Trust and recorded it. I claimed all the major corporations and their debts, worldwide, in favor of the living people.

So, for example, when I claimed the UNITED STATES, INC., I also claimed their subsidiary franchises, like CHINA, INC. and the UNITED KINGSDOM, INC. and AUSTRALIA, INC.

What makes my claims unique besides the Due Process I gave them, is that unlike all other claimants, I claimed the debts of these corporations.

Everyone else was busily trying to avoid claiming these awesome debts, but I claimed them, because I realized that for me and all the other living people, their debts are our credits.

Claiming their debts puts me -- automatically -- in the absolute Preferential Creditor driver's seat. All my claims are cured and they are all secured and they are all sitting in my private express trusts and my public Fiduciary Trusts, where they have been automatically cashiered during the entire process.

So, through me and my Proper Name Trust, which on the statutory side is good for fifty years from the date of origin, all these corporations and all the assets they were holding at the time of my claim, are preserved for the living people of this planet.

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