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Mike Balloun teaches today. 08/05/23
VERSES: Revelation 16:15, 17:5, 18:4-6, 20:1-6; Jude 1:14-15; 1st Peter 4:7
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In our last discussion, we learned that Eschatology is a discourse on the last things/Last Days, and that the dictionary definition is: (the part of theology concerned with the culmination of this age, death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.)
Having stated and summarized our intentions in the previous lesson, we continue…
End-Time Christian eschatology centers around Christ’s Second Coming and establishing His Millennial Kingdom in this Realm. There are 3 schools of thought. Pre-millennialism, Post-millennialism, and Anti-millennialism (also known as Amillennialism). The first two differing groups, Pre-millennialists and Post-millennialists, agree that before the end of the world, which is to say before the creation of the New Heaven and Earth (Revelation 21:1), there is to be an extraordinary Age of a thousand years in which justice and peace will prevail in the Kingdom of Christ, according to Revelation 20:1-6 (to be shown below). Pre-Millennialist teachers of Biblical eschatology declare that Christ’s Second Coming will take place before that Millennium, which answers to that Millennium’s beginning. The Post-Millennialist teachers of Biblical eschatology say that the Second Coming will not take place until after that peace-filled Millennium. The Amillennialists declare there is no Millennial reign of Christ upon this Earth.
Revelation 20:1-6… “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.” (Note that the Bible should be taken literally, except for where it is absurd to do so. But sadly, many men and denominations teach traditional doctrines that have, for centuries, been spiritualized to allow for leavened doctrines.)
It is acknowledged that not all of any group believe exactly the same, yet the general beliefs are here summarized to show that the 3 interpretations of the Bible are as different and as hostile as light is to darkness, and as unleavened is to leavened! (A summary of those 3 specific views follows in the next few paragraphs which includes added brief Scriptural insights noted in parenthesis along with specific citations from Wikipedia noted in quotes.)
Beginning with the last mentioned, as a generalization of this traditional view…
the Anti-Millennialists teach “there will be no Millennial reign” of Christ and His Righteous on the Earth (much less from the unseen heaven related to this Earth, as they have no light at all in the matter). “They interpret the 1000 years of Revelation 20:6 as symbolic and not a literal duration of time.” They teach that the Millennium began at the Resurrection of Christ, and that it “has already spiritually begun” and is running concurrently with this present (evil) Age. So, Christ’s reign is that of a spiritual nature and at the of end of this present ‘Church’ Age, He will “return in final judgment and establish a permanent” Kingdom “reign in the New Heaven and New Earth”. Anti-Milennialists/Amillennialists also say that the chaining of satan began at the beginning of the spiritual millennium (2000 yrs ago) and therefore he has been chained and is now (currently) “prevented from deceiving the Nations”.
They believe that the (merely redeemed) Church “and its spread in the Gospel” (of Grace) is the Kingdom, and that “it will forever be”. Their belief being that Christ now rules from Heaven with the departed ‘saints’. “The Eastern and Oriental Orthodox Churches have long held Anti-Millennial doctrines, as has the Roman Catholic Church, which generally embraces an Augustinian eschatology.” (The Theologian Augustine, who lived from 354-430 AD, was at first a Pre-Millennialist, as that was the unleavened doctrinal belief for the first couple of centuries after Christ, but later switched his views.) “Anti-Millennial doctrines are common among Protestant denominations such as Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Methodist and many Messianic Jews.” This encompasses millions of redeemed people who are deceived about their eschatology.
Briefly, the Post-Millennialist eschatological teaching is that there is a “Golden Age”/Millennial period of time, not necessarily literally a thousand years, but is taken symbolically, as a period of time when “Christian ethics” (that are supposed to be currently at work) will prevail in the World, after which Christ will Return. So, “Post-Millennialism holds that Jesus Christ establishes his kingdom on earth through his preaching and redemptive work done in the first century and that he equips his Church with the gospel, empowers the church by the Spirit, and charges the church with the Great Commission (Matt 28:19) to disciple all nations.”
“Postmillennialism expects that eventually the vast majority of people living will be saved. Increasing gospel success will gradually produce a time in history prior to Christ's return in which faith, righteousness, peace, and prosperity will prevail in the affairs of men and of nations. After an extensive era of such conditions, Jesus Christ will return” (in the Second Coming) “visibly, bodily, and gloriously, to end history with the general resurrection” (without any real distinction between the First and Second Resurrections. As postmillennialists, like Amillennialists, generally contend that the departed redeemed go to Heaven to be with Christ) “and the final judgement after which the eternal order” of the New Heaven and Earth “follows”. Postmillennialism teaches Satan is bound and “also teaches that the forces of Satan will gradually be defeated by the expansion of the Kingdom of God throughout history up until the second coming of Christ.”
Pre-millennialist eschatology teaches Revelation 20:1-6 as literal and is the oldest of the interpretations (in the first century known as ‘Chiliasm’ from the Greek word meaning ‘thousand’) and states that Jesus will return Bodily to the Earth and usher in a Millennial Kingdom on the Earth (note that the Kingdom will also include its unseen heaven). “Premillennialism is often used to refer specifically to those who adhere to the beliefs in a literal earthly millennial reign of Christ as well as a rapture of the faithful coming before or after the Great Tribulation preceding the Millennium”.
(The correct and alternative Pre-Millennial view being that those living followers judged as faithful will join Christ in a First-Fruits rapture at the mid-point of the Tribulation Period, and then there is a second rapture or ‘Harvest’ towards the end of the 7-year Tribulation Period which is of the surviving faithful living who are caught up to join Christ in the air/first heaven along with the faithful dead in Christ in the First Resurrection out from among the dead at the sounding of the Last Trump. {See 1st Thessalonians 4:16-7… “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” } This rapture is before the final Great “Vintage” where Christ pours out the Wrath of God on His enemies. John, in the 14th Chapter of Revelation, uses this eschatological terminology based on God’s established use of the agricultural symbolisms of the first-fruits, the harvest, and the vintage.)
Pre-millennialist eschatological exegesis (interpretation) takes the chaining of satan and being cast into the Pit in the center of Earth as literal and it being immediately after the coming 7-year Tribulation Period at the return of Christ to the Earth. That chaining for a 1000 years runs concurrently with the Millennial Kingdom of Christ in this restored Realm after which satan will be released for a short period of time on this Earth. (True Pre-Millennialist eschatological exegesis of Revelation 20:1-6 sees the martyrs and faithful of Christ ruling with Him in the Millennial Kingdom in this Realm. Those being both the living at that time of His Return and the faithful dead, whether dead for only hours or for centuries, who were waiting in Hades/the intermediate place of the dead for the First Resurrection, having been judged worthy at the Judgement Seat of Christ.) Pre-millennialist teachers teach a Second Resurrection and Great White Throne Judgement after the Millennial Kingdom of Christ for the remaining dead, as well as the vaporizing of the current Earth and its heaven. And the creation of a New Heaven and Earth joined with a New Heavenly Jerusalem.
UNLEAVENED Eschatology
Scripturally, the Lord and the Holy Spirit connect the culmination and termination of this “present evil World/Age” leading up to Christ’s return comparatively with the ancient Age of Noah (see Matthew 24, specifically Verses 36-44 and Genesis 6:1-13 which speak of the condition of the Earth in the Last Days being as it was in the time of Noah, which was exceedingly corrupt and full of violence.) The tumultuous last days of those times of Noah and these times (Last Days) were declared by God, but yet were/are viewed with darkened minds in apathy by those experiencing them. Correct eschatology counters apathy. The Last Days, through Scripture, are thereby to be discernable to God’s people, but the specific day and hour is untold. The state of the World in the Last Days will be like unto the ‘days of Noah’… which is to say discernable from both sides of the Flood. Pre-Flood with lawlessness in selfish pursuit of carnal desires, and in spite of the warnings of Enoch and Noah, they were unconcerned and carried on with their self-absorbed un-repented wicked lives right up to the flood.
Additionally, the End-Times comparison of Scripture includes those ‘days of Noah’ following the Great Flood/Judgement of God. (Read Genesis 9:1-18,25; 10:1,6-10,32; 11:1-9. These passages of ancient Biblical history reveal today’s universal two-part corrupting ‘World’ system: the secular part and the religious part of Man’s legalized lawlessness, which were devised by satanically-inspired Nimrod, the first ‘Anti-Christ’, in his bride City of Babel/Babylon. Scripture revealingly, and as will be seen, justly connects them also with the End-Times judgements to come upon this present progressively as predicted, unreconcilable evil Age. (2nd Timothy 3:12-13 with Revelation 17-19:3) “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”
New Testament (eschatological) “Mysteries” is a term used to proclaim that merely religious men who have not sought the Truth by God’s prescribed ways have no means by which they may comprehend them. The word “Mystery” here is used by the Holy Spirit to associate the End-Time Woman with ancient Babel/Babylon. That further revelation, from comparing Scripture with Scripture, is needed to see the connection that must be understood for a correct interpretation of its eschatology. And in their short-sighted denominational eschatological bias, any attempts to interpret the ‘mystery’, results in their easily being deceived by the religious spirits and also becoming men that then leaven the Truth. The eschatological understanding of the mysteries of God are only revealed in Scripture, and true exegesis relies completely upon other comparative Scripture revealed to define the ‘mysteries’ meaning. Which is to say all doctrines of eschatology Truth must bear up and harmonize with all Scripture or it is not Truth’s interpretation. Which by necessity, must extend back into and harmonize with Old Testament Scripture as well. Genesis (which means ‘Beginnings’) finds its endings in the Book of Revelation. In Scripture’s declaration of “MYSTERY, BABYLON”… ‘MYSTERY’ is not a part of her name, but states something about Her that connects the New Testament with the Old, and reveals the necessity of more revelation to rightly reveal “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” (Revelation 17:1-5)… which is to say the New Testament eschatology before us in the Book of Revelation must find its roots (with the dots being connected…) throughout the Old Testament of Moses, the Psalms, and the Prophets.
Genesis 3:15 holds forth a ‘Savior’ from the seed of woman. This Truth sailed the flood waters with Noah. Ham was profane and his seed Nimrod was the first typed (foreshadow of) Anti-Christ this side of the Flood, and was the builder of the first City; Babel. Its establishment was in direct defiance to God, as mankind was supposed to scatter out and replenish the Earth. (Genesis 9:1) As a side note, after the Flood, there is no mention of God commanding Noah to ‘take dominion’ in the Earth as with Adam’s calling (for Adam was at that point, un-fallen). Instead, God made only a Covenant of continuing promise, along with the threat of justice that He would surely administrate, with Noah and his seed.)
The designed intent of the Babel/Babylonian System was a post-Flood refining and re-establishing of Pre-Flood devised successful alternatives by the serpent to appeal to the ‘flesh’ or fallen carnal nature of Man, to ease his state from the Curse of God pronounced in the Garden of Eden, in order to maintain control by appealing to the appetites of his darkened soul and further alienate man from God and His regal purpose for creating him. The wicked Devisors of the scheme for man’s continuing idolatry were fallen angel spirits along with satan’s first king-priest demigod; Nimrod, the seed of Ham, who was demonically-inspired. The wicked spirits’ goal being that Man and his seed, in answer to Genesis 3:15, would continue to disqualify themselves from replacing them and ruling in this Realm as God’s Theocratic Government.
(An eschatological Truth was revealed at least in a limited way to Abraham, which involved him and his seed/Seed in the future receiving a part in not only the Land God gave them as an everlasting possession, but a part in the heaven associated with this Earth. This was also shrouded in mystery, and was to be revealed by Christ at His First Coming. (Genesis 15:5; 17:8; 22:16-18, Hebrews 11:16 with Matthew 13:11, Hebrews 3:1, Philippians 3:14) And because of the Systems of Babel’s religious leavening effect, the heavenly kingdom inheritance in God’s Theocratic Government Truth shrouded in a ‘mystery’ was obscured/unperceived and lost to the Old Testament Covenant people of God/the Nation of Israel. {See Matthew 13:11, Mark 4:11, and Luke 8:10 where Jesus tells His disciples “…Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others {it was veiled} in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.”} The result of the Nation of Israel’s unrelenting leaders’ leavened ancestral teaching was spiritual Israel’s current diaspora {dispersion} into darkness and into ‘Mystery’ Babylon Harlotry for the last 2000 years {sentenced to be there until their final measured grave judgements in God’s ‘Great Tribulation’ retributional 7-year Period, which will bring them into the Truth and restoration at Christ’s Bodily Return and establishment of His Earthly Millennial Kingdom.)
And while God’s chosen people then descended into the darkness of this World’s MYSTERY Babylonian Harlot system, God called out another Nation of people out of the Pagan Gentiles. They, being the redeemed in Christ out of paganism were then called to be found more worthy upon further examination at Christ’s Judgement throne for the Celestial part (wherein satan and fallen angels now rule over this Earth) of Christ’s Theocratic Government in this Realm, which the religiously leavened Nation of Israel’s leaders rebelliously shirked. And again, ‘Mystery’ Babylon’s system of progressive leavening assault on the New Testament people of God/the Nation of the One New Man (as predicted by Christ in the heavenly kingdom parables, and by the Apostles; Peter, Paul, John and Jude) through the ‘tare’ teachers, after the Apostles’ passing away, would finally cause its complete corruption from God’s point of view. And for the last 1700 years, the ‘spiritual Nation’ of redeemed people of God have joined the ‘spiritual Nation’ of Israel in being assimilated into Mystery ‘spiritual Babylon’s’ Harlotry. Millions of people in the conglomeration of ‘Christendom' follow the Harlot and drink of the same corrupting poison that Israel did. If they don’t come out of it, they will be judged as partakers with it. (The last Apostle John’s revealing visions of the Church in Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 are not a Church steadily rising in glorious victory, but of Churches partially leavened unto the last Church being fully leavened, which comes into full rise in Revelation 3:15-17… “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked…”. The state of today’s Church that is eschatologically unleavened is discovered in Revelation 18:4-5 in that they came OUT from the Babylonian World system… “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” Note, that God is judging only those Christians that remain inside the Harlot’s system in that anyone found in Her will receive of Her judgements as if they are Her. This being typed in Nehemiah and Ezra. In that for the last 1700 years, there have been many True witnesses of Christ who have come out of Babylon with a call to others to also come out. But like in the ancient days, Christians have become comfortable in Mystery Babylon.)
Those wicked spirits/fallen angels, being superior in intellect and more universal in experience, were in coalition with Nimrod, and they revealed new ‘inventions’, and directed the ‘reestablishing’ and furtherance of cultural Pre-Flood developments, with means of circumventing God’s Word (the prophetic words of Enoch, spoken or written, that also sailed the seas with Noah - see Jude 1:14-15) with misdirecting instruction, which laid the groundwork and set up the superstructure for this current World’s two-pronged evil system, 2300 years before Christ. That system being that which is secular; denoting its own morals, attitudes, activities, or other things that have no spiritual or religious basis; and then also that which would be religious or spiritual which would naturally appeal to the unescapable religious thoughts of Man; flesh-centered spiritual alternatives of pagan god worship.
Then and there, was the first God-defiant organization by Man. It was tutored by the first enemy of God in willful apostasy from and open rebellion against God. Then, from that first determined organization, it was to be passed down, and that through Man’s first deified King and Priest; Nimrod. That system being the co-conspirator prototype for all the future Kings and Empires of Man (religious and secular) ruling over Man in legalized lawlessness, and in gaining and holding wealth and power by controlling commerce and government.
From Babel/Babylon, came priesthoods and their deceiving promises in the afterlife, promoting self-serving sacrifices and offerings to propitiate spirits and demon deities. With it came the construction of beautiful edifices and splendid adornments to infatuate the religiously minded, to turn inward worship of spirit and truth in faith to outward religious works. And for the religiously curious, there was the introduction of Pantheism, reincarnation, demonism, theosophy, spiritualism. For the sensual, there was carnal practices mixed with religious worship (as seen in the early Christians in Corinth -1st Corinthians 5), and then for the intellectual, there was the leavening of philosophy into all its perversions. Satan has many lures, and all were purposefully designed to co-mingle error with truth, to steal and obscure the path unto God’s regal purposes for Man.
That two-part deceptive system which began in Babel/Babylon has historically been used by God to bring judgement on His people (see Jeremiah 29:21-23 where God delivered Israel into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, as judgement for their sin) and in continuing connectivity of the Old Testament and the New Testament, Babylon is again seen as being used as a part of God’s End-Time judgements… but this time on both leavened Nations of His people. (Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 9:24-27, Revelation 4:12; 17:1-19:6) Then, as in the pattern of God afterward judging Israel’s enemies after using them to judge His people, (as in Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon), so it is in the anti-type in that after God’s enemies are used in the End-Times to administer judgement upon God’s house/God’s people, then comes God’s judgement on ‘Mystery,’ Babylon. (See 1st Peter 4:17… “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” See also Revelation 17:16 & 18:8-9)
Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon (being the type for the Anti-Christ and his spiritual bride, which is the imitation of the anti-type which is found in Christ and His New Jerusalem Bride - Revelation 21:2) were the key players in ancient Israel’s great demise 1600 plus years removed from Nimrod and Babel. And it will be Babylon’s secular and religious arm by way of the Anti-Christ who will be the key players in the Last Days’ demise of Israel, now on the horizon 4000 plus years removed from Babel. Corresponding with Israel’s ancient just judgement and loss of authority in this Earth, Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon began what is called in Scripture by the Lord the “times of the Gentiles”. (Luke 21:24) And it will be the Anti-Christ Beast of Revelation who will close the “times of the Gentiles” in the destruction of Jerusalem and slaughter of God’s people. And immediately God declares He will close the book on ‘Mystery,’ Babylon with double Judgement on all those within Her spiritual walls. (Revelation 18:6… “Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.” Note that it is double because of Her ancient history of polluting the Earth with Her wickedness.) Under Nimrod, Babylon was the first Gentile City to rule with violence and shedding of blood and is therefore responsible for all the blood of the slain since Noah’s Day according to that Covenant, and under the Last Days’ Anti-Christ, the blood will run horse-bridal deep, and Babylon will be the last Gentile Empire’s City. (Genesis 10:8-12, Isaiah 14:4-10, Revelation 11:17; 18:24; 19:20)
These two eschatological events (God’s judgements on His House and then His judgements on the willing wicked executioners) finalize through the Anti-Christ, whose capital will be Babylon, and from whom will come God’s last and most fiercest retributive and cleansing fires on Israel until there is but a small remnant of Jews remaining when Christ appears Bodily. (Zechariah 12:10) “Mystery” Babylon has been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand that made the whole World drunk. The nations are mad (Jeremiah 51:6-7) and the Church out of which He now calls all His people (Jew and Christian) is fully corrupted.
But Christian religious leaders are ‘drunk’ in the Babylonian system, and like the Scribes and Pharisees, they are now ‘blind’ in Scriptural understanding of God’s revealed eschatology and are ‘blinding others’ to Scripture’s Last Days’ warnings to His People. (Revelation 18:4-5’s ‘call’ for His people to come out of ‘spiritual Babylon’ is typed in Genesis 12:1-4… “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country (his home being ‘Ur of the Chaldees’/Babylon, which was filled with idolatry), and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.” Note that Abram had to come all the way out of Ur (literal and mysterious spiritual Babylon), over the Euphrates River. This is a type and shadow of Christians needing to come all the way out of ‘Babylon’ and to not keep one foot in it, if they are to receive the blessings. See also Joshua 7:21… “When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.” (The anti-type here being ‘don’t hide/bury any ‘bits of Babel’ in your tent/heart, or you will be open to suffer God’s severe judgements, determined at the Judgement Seat of Christ.)
Since the time of Constantine, Christendom is leavened and Laodicean and has believed religious eschatological lies for the last 1700 years. Lies of leavened eschatology that cross over into Pre, Post, and A-millennialism chiefly in the assuring of God’s people that most definitely they will all have been removed from the Earth before the perils of the Last Days set in. Truth resists this idea with the warning of Revelation 18:4-5 as it comes as the Age is closing. Therefore, there will be then people of God (a broader term in the Book of Revelation and End-Time prophecy that encompasses both the Old and New Testament people - Revelation 12:17;14:21) left on the Earth as late as the 6th vial being poured out, where we have Christ’s last warning to His redeemed in Revelation 16:15… “Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.” And presumably that down to that last terrifying hour of this present evil Age’s judgements, when some of His people will not have come out and will be yet found in both literal and spiritual “Mystery” Babylon, and therefore will sadly and unnecessarily be partakers of their plagues (this being typed in the firstborn of Israel dying alongside the firstborn of Egypt if they did not apply the blood of the lamb over their houses).
The recorded warnings come but months before “Mystery” Babylon’s and Her Anti-Christ’s woeful judgements fall upon them which climax with Jesus Christ appearing from the first heaven, removing in a moment the scales from the eyes of all beholders on the Earth, as He thrusts through the clouds and bursts visibly into this Earth’s atmosphere. (2nd Kings 6:17, Revelation 19:11-21) (We pray that God takes the religious Babylonian scales off the eyes of deceived Godly men now… and let them see these “Mysteries”… that may only be revealed by the means of His eschatological Word seen in its sanctifying Truth, and having mercy on them and those they would have otherwise led in harm’s way… in Jesus’ Name we sincerely ask.)
This is the crux of the matter concerning the Corruption of End-Time Eschatology… In the search for Truth in God’s Word, one must go back not to the denominational forefathers’ understanding and teaching, nor back to just 2000 years of Church History to Christ’s First Coming, nor even back to Moses’ Law and God’s people redeemed out of Egypt, nor just back to Abraham, or Noah. Rather, full revelation ‘mystery’ in Truth goes back to Genesis Chapter 1, and finds unbroken connectivity throughout the Bible to the last Words of the Book of Revelation. Chiefly, that the call to the future Theocratic Government of God in this rejuvenated Realm includes Israel, and that the Promises for a literal inheritance by Abraham and his seed in a literal Millennium in this Earthly Realm, began with Adam and Eve.
They were disqualified by the serpent’s twisting of God’s Words in the Garden which ended in the catastrophic near-destruction of Man in Noah’s Day. Noah’s recorded Words from God were again leavened by the serpent, resulting in Babel and God’s confusing the language. And from there, open idolatrous Paganism ruled the landscape of religion in the World; that Babylonian Paganism out of which God called Abraham and his seed. From whom God raised up a Nation in the World to deliver the Gentiles out of that Babylonian darkness and bring them into the light of the One true God. The Nation of Israel’s calling and authority unto God’s Theocratic Government in the Earth was lost in paganized Judaism. It was then that God raised up another Nation 2000 years ago, in contrast with Paganized Israel and the Pagan World, to be more worthy of His Theocratic Kingdom calling.
They started out as a Nation that stood out wholehearted in that Calling, and stood uncompromisingly against the Paganism of the World. But that being only for a short while until (that which God’s Nation of Israel did before) leavening corruption led the Nation of the One New Man/Christ followers unto compromising and finally incorporation into Babylon’s Paganism through the ‘Babylonian’, in nature and form, Roman Emperor Constantine. And so it may be easily discovered in history, that what was openly Pagan for 2300 years before Christ and for about 300 years after Christ, now became for the great part ‘Christianized’. A better description would be “Christianized Paganism”. The ruling idolatrous Babylonian Pagan wolf has now put on sheep’s clothing; that of nominal/lukewarm Christianity. It was thereby able to devour/extinguish the light of the Truth-bearing Nation, bearing Witness of God in the Earth in God’s Gospel Calling after Redemption to the Redeemed unto overcoming this World’s Babylonian System and thereby overcoming its ‘author’, unto a celebrated worthiness unto inheritance in His Son’s Millennial Theocratic Kingdom in this Realm.
And in exchange, leavened nominal Christianity became Paganized, today’s ‘Paganized Christianity’ being now veiled in Babylonian nature and form, and (*setting aside for a moment the ‘Reformation’) for 1700 years, has grown rich and is “in need of nothing” down unto today, 2023. (Matthew 6:22-23, Revelation 3:15-22)
* the reformation rightly having separated in protest against ‘works only theology’ as it relates to being ‘saved/redeemed’… yet Protestants have maintained for the most part the 1700-year-old ‘Christianized Babylonian’ eschatology)
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