The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie Walkthrough Part 3: Haunted House

16 years ago

Part 3! The Haunted House!

I was so scared... I wet my pants! Lol, JK!

Past annotation locations:
0:08 So I don't have to continue.
0:37 Gah! I said "A" again! It's "B"!!!
2:29 Because sometimes the ghosts block you heavily!
3:39 I meant 1 "projectile" attack.

I forgot to mention that you have one more power when using the Cowboy costume... if you hold the Y button you'll flash and when it's charged up you can do a short dash attack! It makes you invincible during that dash, but I can't find a reason why this would be a better option then your regular gun... I mean you have to use the Y button to start up a charge so you're firing a bullet anyway... Granted if you use keep holding the y button after you killed a enemy with a bullet and save it until you find another enemy, you save a bullet, but the chance of that happening is slim and since you have no control over the distance you cover, you may launch yourself down a pit or on spikes! So I say, stick with the regular gun! There's bullet refills lying around everywhere anyway! :P

At the end... how do those ropes you slide on to escape the house stay in the air if they're severed? The severed points of the rope are obviously effected by gravity because they're pointed down like a rope! Ahhh... The wonders of video games and cartoons... lol!


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