Yoshi's Island Stage Only Walkthrough Part 11 (Read description, lol!)

16 years ago

Part 11! Drug run! XD

Rest of 4-1 - part of 4-4

You know, I once seen Yoshi buying from a pro fuzzy spore dealer behind Bowser's castle. He spent all his hard-earned coins on fuzzy spores... it put him in tremendous debt yet he still craved more. When the fuzzy dealer refused to give him spores for free because Yoshi was broke, Yoshi ate the dealer and stole every fuzzy spore he had in a fit of rage! Yoshi currently spends his time in the Mushroom Kindom's drug rehab program...It's too bad, at one time he was a good Yoshi... (lol!)

This is a stage only walkthrough. That means I did not aim to get 100 on each stage.

Parts 1-27 were played on the SNES version of this game while 28-35 was played on the GBA to show all the stages.


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