Yoshi's Island Stage Only Walkthrough Part 17

16 years ago

Part 17! Slow ride!

rest of 5-4 - part of 5-5

Be VERY careful on the part where you have to ride the slime guy, it may not look hard because it's not fast, but you have to make some split second decisions if you don't know how to get past it!

And yeah, that doorway glitched! That NEVER happened before! I prayed that I wouldn't have to re-start the stage to get by it! XD

This is a stage only walkthrough. That means I did not aim to get 100 on each stage.

Annotation corner:
1:22 OMG!
7:00 WTF?!?!

Parts 1-27 were played on the SNES version of this game while 28-35 was played on the GBA to show all the stages.


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