Yoshi's Island Stage Only Walkthrough Part 31 (Read description, lol!)

15 years ago

Part 31: Final Fuzzy Flight!

Rest of Secret 4 and Extra 4

Druggie Yoshi got word that the most potent fuzzies in the world lies deep within the earth in Secret 4. His craving for fuzzies and their instantly-intoxicating effects is so high, he beat the entire game to unlock the secret stages! The passion to find the best fuzzy spores drove him forward across deep gorges... After hours of searching and a constant craving, he finally found the nest of fuzzies he dreamed of! He was so overjoyed, even the person behind the controller couldn't control him from swallowing a fuzzy. The gamer himself got high from Yoshi's fart dust, unable to control Yoshi properly from being high himself, Yoshi plumetted to his doom...

Then, another Yoshi, generated from a extra life goes to find his missing friend that has been lost for months... Gets word that his lost friend was last seen going in the cave of Secret 4... Going deep within it's depths, he found danger around every corner... but his love for his friend drove him forward and past every obstacle! He eventually found the fuzzys... he thought to himself: "This must be where my friend was! I have to avoid the fuzzies in order to find him!" He fluttered past bottomless pits, dodging fuzzies along the way until... he came to a unavoidable situation... he had no choice but to touch the fuzzy to progress! Despite feeling the effects of the fuzzy and not knowing what his lost friend felt, he still managed to continue forward! But, getting through the cave and not finding his friend disappointed him to depression... But, it was no longer because of him not finding his friend, but because he was already having fuzzy withdrawals! Thus starts another tale, of a fuzzy addicted Yoshi...

Bottom line: Don't do drugs! You'll forget what really matters! :D

Yeah so, that maze is puzzling! I completely forgot the layout (obviously by my commentary), so I end this part being puzzled... I do it off-camera, then in the next part I show how it works

This is a stage only walkthrough. That means I did not aim to get 100 on each stage.

Parts 1-27 were played on the SNES version of this game while 28-35 was played on the GBA to show all the stages.


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