Pokemon is BAD!!!... According to these people, lol! Part 1

15 years ago

(Part 1) I give a history lesson on some of my absolute favorite Pokemon controversey moments in my childhood! Watch and be amazed at the sheer stupidity and blindness people have when they don't look into stuff themselves and actually go by what other people (that also don't know what they're talking about) say and believe it! XD You will laugh, you will cry! But only because of laughter! XD

The Banned episodes

Playlist is empty now! Youtube took them down from the person who uploaded them. :( I can't find any more, search for the episodes yourself using the names below the playlist link

#18: Beauty and The Beach
James Has cleavage, lol!

#35: The Legend of Dratini
Because of Guns, it was banned

#38: Electric Soldier Porygon
Because more than 800 Japanese children were admitted to hospitals with Epileptic Seizures

#232: The Ice cave
Jynx being a "racial stereotype" lol!

#377: Shaking Island Battle! Barboach VS Whiscash
Because of recent earthquakes in Japan, it would've been of bad taste.

Pokemon - it genuinely worries me.
Animal abuse and cockfighting encouragement to kids, lol

Satanism in Pokemon
Pokemon encouraging Occult and Satinism, lmao!

Enjoy the sheer hilarity of this! XD

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