Sonic Advance 1 No Emerald Walkthrough Part 6

15 years ago

Part 6: The Finale!

Rest of Egg Rocket Zone Act 2 - X-Zone

Man, 4 bosses in 1 part? o_O This is a worthy finale, lol!

Egg Rocket Boss: Egg Swinger: This is... tricky! The trick to getting him to flip over is to jump as high as you can and land next to the spikes machine he's in. Then you can hit him... but there's the energy balls to worry about so pick your moments wisely. At a few points, like I think the last 2 hits, he does these really fast sweeps that you have to Jumprope over so be ready for them! That's about it! Oh and if you take a hit, your rings are likely all to be lost as they fall right through the swingy ball thingy. o_O Sooo don't? lol!

X1 Boss: Robo-Pendulum: Yep, Sonic 1's Green Hill Boss, ZOMG! It's the hardest boss evarrr! lol! hide under a platform and when the ball swings away jump up on the platform then on Eggman then hide back under the same platform. Yep, that's it, lol! 4 hits will make you win! ;)

X2 Boss: Robo-Tank: ZOMG the 2nd hardest boss evarrr! lol! Sonic 2's Emerald Hill Boss to be exact! Uhhh Jump on him when he takes a pass across the ground and avoid the drill. Seriously, that's it, lol! o_O Ok, there is one exception, when he has taken 3 hits, he'll shoot out his drill at you... but if you hit him twice a pass, that wont be a problem as he only takes 4 hits. :P

X3 Boss: Egg Tri Cannon: THIS is the final boss! :D Here's the strategy... he has 4 attacks... 2 of them you can hit him on. First off, stay in a ducking position at most of the time... The laser will go right over your head. If he shoots a ball, you have to jump over it as he aims it so it does hit you. If he shoots the arm at you, move to the opposite side if the screen and stay there.... when he shoots it, jump right over it and go and hit him. You'll bounce back and emerge unscathed. The final move isn't really a attack so much as him just moving toward you to the other side, lol! When he moves toward you, just jump on his head as he passes. Yep, that's it! Patience is the key so if you don't think you can hit him when he uses his arm or moves towaqrd you, don't try. Just let him pass. You'll get another opprotunity.

(Yeah so, I wasn't happy at ALL of the quality of the last set, so I remastered them. I didn't compress them NEARLY as much so they retained their framerate. I HIGHLY recommend watching these over again so you can see them they way I intended, lol!)

Credit to gabbe583 and guiltym for ideas on how to keep this set of videos lookin' smooth! :D

This is a "No Emerald" walkthrough, meaning that I did not collect the chaos emeralds.


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