Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 80

15 years ago

Part 80: Smithy's demise.

Somewhere deep in the Earth (lol)

We finish the final battle here, prepare yourself for a happy, yet sad, ending. :)

Boss: Smithy 2: OK, your strategy differs depending on what he transforms to. The only strategies that stay the same is that you leave the body alone because it's a very little threat and heal when needed. OK, now lets talk about each version of his head.

Tank Head: This is a threatening head, but not too bad. It has a 1-hit kill move called Magnum that you can't block. o_O But the shells it fires also have the potential to kill a character in 1 hit because of the massive attack power(especially if you're low-level like me, lol!). The reason why it's not so bad is because this head can only attack 1 character at a time. Meaning that you can freely heal after each of it's attacks.

Sorcerer Head: OMG this is a tough one! It may have the lowest defense, but it's special attacks are something to be feared! Any one of them can KO your characters in 1 hit(except Peach if she's got the Lazy Shell, lol!). So attack only when you can with normal attacks (not special) and you'll do a good amount of damage a turn... But if you can't attack without surviving, skip the turn and just survive.

Armor Head: Absolutely no threat at all. All it has is a move called "shredder" which neutralizes stat increases (which you'll rarely use anyway) and self-healing moves which for some reason heals the body you aren't attacking with, lol! So when this head comes out, attack it with all you got because it has high-defence.

Treasure Head: This is a low-threat head. It focuses on causing status problems to all characters only. Peach can heal everything it throws out at you with Group Hug and will be protected herself because of the Lazy Shell. So, just heal and attack each turn with no problem.

After dishing out 8000 damage to the heads, this fight will be over! :D

Then we watch a little bit of the credits sequence... Then I have to beat him AGAIN to show off the rest of the credits! GRRRR lol! Now THAT's dedication to my work!


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