Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 73

15 years ago

Part 73: Snakes away!


We continue our boss fight against Cloaker and... EARTH LINK!

Boss: Earth Link: As said in the last part, depending on you you defeat in the first half of the battle makes the 2nd half differ... Like if you beat Domino... Cloaker will appear on Earth Link's head and vice/ versa. Earth Link and Cloaker/Domino now have a TON of HP but no new attacks. At this point if you followed my every move, they both have the potential to KO a person in 1 hit because of their high attack power. However they tend to only be albe to attack 1 person at a time... most of the time, lol! So expect this fight to be long, but not complex. Heck, most of this part was the boss battle so that gives you a good idea on how long it can go, lol! Heal/pick me up when necessary. yYou WILL need to often, lol!


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