Super Mario RPG Walkthrough Part 71

15 years ago

Part 71: Ring a Ding Ding!


We finish off the Clock boss... this ENTIRE part, lol! Oh man this was a long fight, lol!

Boss: Ding-A-Ling: OK, this fight is a interesting one. After looking through the footage, I recommend actually killing the Ding-A-Lings first because they have a LOT less HP then the Count Down (clock face guy). That way you quickly eliminate multiple special attacks on one turn leaving you with a annoying clock, lol! That clock can heal, but otherwise every attack it dishes out you've dealt with. You can predict what attack it will use by memorising the clock's movements... It always goes in a pattern. Beware of Petal Blast though! It's easily the clock's best attack! So yeah, of course heal and pick people up as necessary.


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