Zack And Wiki Walkthrough Part 35 (Finale! Part 3/3)

15 years ago

Part 35: Fin...

Final Cutscenes and Closing Words.

I wanted to show my face on camera for the last part of this Walkthrouugh and do like a "closing statement" to match it up with the first part of this Walkthrough... But after doing 9 parts today, I really don't feel like filming anymore, lol! I did WAY too much editing! lol!

BUT, there is 1 thing that I missed... A lone treasure chest music minigame that I actually POINTED out in Barbaros's Land (the first one) but forgot to get, lol! Oh well, You know how to play those minigames anyway... Practice makes perfect basically... No Walkthrough can help with that. Besides, I'm sure I missed others as well.


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