Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Walkthrough Part 4: Chopped Up Parts

15 years ago

Part 4: Chopped Up Parts

Strawberry Kingdom Part 2 - Pineapple Kingdom Part 1

Remember that I said in a earlier part's description that I'd have to move clips around... This is where it starts. Remember, you aren't missing a thing though, so don't worry.

Boss: Mo-Hog: Is's the same as the other hog except for 2 differences... He'll sometimes throw a bullet-like coconut at you to time well... but is basically the same as a regular coconut and he'll now have a quick aerial charge attack... which you have to dodge by moving left or right in time.

Boss: Karate Kong: This one is tricky. In phase 1, dodge his punch normally with a clap, then hit the side that he punched with because his guard is down to stun him and be able to combo-hit him
In phase 2 the kicking starts. You have to time your claps to dodge the 3 upcoming kicks then punch at the right time to combo-punch him.


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