Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Walkthrough Part 16 (Finale): King Nothing

15 years ago

Part 16: King Nothing

Cactus King - Ghastly King

This is it everyone, the finale! And it's... less then epic, lol! But that's really because the stages are short and easy with little modification from each other other then a extra monkey riding a hog a few more cannons and a vine... and the final bosses are way, WAY, WAYYYYY too easy.

Boss: Cactus King: When he is still on his "hog", keep clapping at the fire to push it back while closing in on it. When you get close enough, your clap range will stun it and you can kill it in a quick combo-melee-style attack. Then it's on to phase 2... Jump up to head-height and clap your hands... then time your clap to dodge his attack and pound him into submission. Rinse and repeat. Any other kind of move will leave you getting kicked or punched across the room! It looks dang painful too! lol! But once you learn to do it properly... you will likely never take a hit. This final boss isn't really all that epic... nor hard. XD In fact, I'd kind of call it a let down. But the game overall is good... the bosses are just repetitive.

Boss Ghastly King: Same thing as above except a small fast 3-meteor attack to dodge in Phase 2. Just jump over them or wall kick over them because they are shot directly at you.

I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough! More to come later with another game... ;)

Of course Nintendo made the game, i just did the walkthrough on it for helping and entertaining others. :)


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